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Owyhee Fandango 2012

A Multiday Pioneer ride with 3 Days of LD and Endurance
Day 3: AHA Regional Championship 100

All events 50 miles and over are AHA sanctioned each day.
80 - 100 Mile elevator

Steve Bradley Photos Day 1
Steve Bradley Photos Day 2
Steve Bradley Photos Day 3

Photos/Videos by Merri Melde

Photo gallery: Flagging the Snake River trail

Video: Flagging the Snake River Trail

Video: Conditioning for the Owyhee Fandango 100

Video: Thursday before Day 1

Photo gallery: Friday Day 1

Video: Day 1

Photo gallery: Saturday Day 2

Video: Day 2

Photo gallery: Sunday Day 3

Video: Day 3

Merri's petroglyphs

New! Online Registration form is ready - it's easy! Register now, pay later

Important updates! Start times for Day 3 (Sunday) have changed. and 30 milers will start and finish at the Rio del Sierra Ranch (see details below).

Hoof care clinic on Thursday, presented by Kevin Myers and Rusty Toth
2:00pm - 4:00pm Thursday afternoon. Followed by Easycare sponsored Wine & Cheese Welcome Party!
more info...

Come join us this year for another Owyhee adventure. We will have 3 days of great trails, from the foothills of the Owyhee Mountains south of camp, down to the Snake River Canyon to the north. This is a beautiful time in the Owyhees with grass and wild flowers, water in the creeks and snow on the mountains.

Every day a different trail!
Day 1: Alder Creek 25/50 - you'll feel like you're in the wilderness with several creek crossings, old homesteads, sweeping views, beautiful rock formations and canyons. All holds will be out of camp. see map and details
Day 2: Hart Creek / Birds of Prey 25/50 - ride two large loops; south of camp into the rugged Hart Creek drainage, and north of camp to the Birds of Prey area with soft trails and sand washes. One half-way hold in camp. see map and details
Day 3: Snake River Run 30/60/80/100 - This will be a special out and back trail along the Oregon Trail to the Snake River. Ride below the canyon walls, by ancient petroglyphs and old homesteads. A day of beautiful scenery, river wildlife and great footing for the horses! Ride along the Snake River for 20+ miles! The 80's and 100's will cross the Guffy Bridge to Celebration Park for a vet check.30 milers will start and finish at Rio del Sierra Ranch

New Start Times:80/100: 5:30, 60: 7:00, 30: 8:00 (from Sierra del Rio Ranch)

We've added the 'elevator' option to the Owhyee Fandango 80 - 100 mile distance. Both start at the same time, follow the same trail out to Rio Del Sierra Ranch, 20 miles along the Snake River and back to camp at 80 miles. If you sign up for the 80 mile distance, you can opt to elevate to the 100 when you get back to camp. (for completion only - no bonus points). see map and details

(** we have trails around the bad boulders now!)

Pre-Ride Events

Hoof Care and Booting Clinic

Kevin Myers and Rusty Toth will offer a free hoof care clinic on Thursday, May 24 from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Rusty will cover the basics on barefoot trimming for the performance horse. Kevin will review the latest products and user tips for EasyCare hoof boots.
They will offer a step-by-step demonstration of how to apply Easyboot Glue-Ons and how to use the Easyboot Gloves with ease.
Refreshments will be served during the clinic courtesy of EasyCare Inc.
Clinic Topics: Barefoot Trimming, Natural Hoof Care for the performance horse, Glue on hoof boots, Boot Gluing and Removal
A drawing will take place after the clinic among all the participants with great prizes from EasyCare and Vettec.
A wine and cheese reception will follow the clinic at the Teeter residence.
Don't miss this event! Mark your calendar for Thursday, May 24 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM at the Owyhee Base Camp.

Thursday Welcome Party by Easycare and Vettec!
We will have a wine and cheese welcome reception sponsored by Vettec on Thursday evening after vetting, and before the ride briefing - gather in the back yard and enjoy the refreshments. You may also purchase dinner on Thursday from Blue Canoe Catering.

Ride management will provide dinner and happy hour to all ride entries on the day that you ride. Additional meals may be purchased at the cafe through Monday morning breakfast.


Ride Managers: Steph Teeter, 208 834 2788 Email: steph@endurance.net
Regina Rose, 208 250 6882, Email: rrose4u2002@yahoo.com

Head Vet : Robert Washington DVM