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2011 AERC Convention
photos by Merri Melde

2011 AERC Convention
photos by Merri Melde

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Pardners Award
and Perfect Ten Award!
Karen Fredrickson and MRR Pyro (Murphy)

Hall of Fame Person
Susan Kasemeyer

Hall of Fame Horse
Susy Hayes' Kootenai Zizzero (Kooter)

National BC Champ
Lee Pearce and Fire Mt Malabar

National Mileage Champ
Carla Richardson and SS Kharady Khid +/
Standardbred Endurance Award: East Meets West ("Eli")
Volunteer of the Year: Terry Woolley Howe
National BC Award: Lee Pearce and Fire Mt Malabar
AERC Junior Scholarship recipient: Josie Whelan

Hall of Fame Horse Kootenai Zizzero

Gallery I

Gallery II

Gallery III

The Standardbred endurance award winner announced


10 March 2012
Harnesslink Admin

In May 2011, the USTA announced a partnership with the American Endurance Ride Conference to award the Standardbred that recorded the most miles ridden during the ride season. It is only fitting that the 2011 award winner was also a winner on the racetrack, East Meets West.

Patricia Clark of North Carolina now has East Meets West or "Eli" as he is affectionately known. The 7-year-old gelding by Western Paradise recorded one racing win at Plainridge Racecourse at the age of two and made $6,707. Clark got Eli from New Vocations Racehorse Adoption based in Ohio, and in 2009 they competed in their first endurance ride.

"It never fails when I attend an endurance ride with Eli, someone has to look him up and down and say, what kind of horse is that?," Clark says. "I wanted a horse that had a gentle temperament, athleticism, and the potential to have a variety of gaits. I found all of those in Eli. He has legs of iron from years of jogging on the racetrack. He can trot for hours at 10-13 mph and his bursts of speed dazzle the imagination."

During the 2011 ride season (Dec. 1, 2010-Nov. 30, 2011) Eli and Clark recorded 260 miles in sanctioned AERC rides. In total, 16 Standardbreds competed for the award. Winners of various awards will be honored at the AERC convention at the Grand Sierra Resort & Casino in Reno, Nev., on Saturday (March 10). While Clark was not able to make the trip West, she and Eli will be announced as winners by the emcees during the national awards banquet.

"I am deeply honored that my Eli is the first recipient of this prestigious honor," Clark said when told Eli would be the inaugural winner of the Standardbred Endurance Award. "He exudes everything that I love about Standardbreds and I can't think of a better representative for the breed and for ex-racehorses. I feel that this award has and will continue to encourage those of us competing on Standardbreds to continue in this sport."

Since 1996, the Standardbred Equine Program has worked with off-the-track Standardbreds and their owners to educate the general public on the many disciplines at which Standardbreds excel once they are retired from racing. For more information about the SEP at the USTA, visit standardbreds.ustrotting.com, or send e-mail inquiries to sep@ustrotting.com.

by Jessica Schroeder, U.S. Trotting Association Outreach

Courtesy of the US Trotting Association's Web Newsroom

Come celebrate 40 years of AERC, its past, present, and future!

  • Speaker Seminars
  • Fabulous Trade Show
  • National Awards Banquet
  • Tack Swap
  • Friday Night Dance
  • Regaional Awards
  • Hot Topics Workshops
  • Much More!

    COME SEE THESE VENDORS AT CONVENTION!: Action Rider Tack, Inc., Arabian Horse Association, Arabian Saddle Company, Auburn Laboratories, Inc., The Distance Depot, EasyCare, Inc., Endurance Horse Magazine/SilverMane Media, Epona Ltd., Equus Animal Nutrition, Farmers Warehouse Co./LMF Feeds, Just For "Horsin-Round", Ann Kratochvil, Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Natural Horse Halters, OH Kruse Grain & Milling, Revitavet Therapy Systems, Stonewall Saddle Company, Tharp Enterprises (PortaGrazer), Triple Crown Nutrition, Inc., United States Trotting Association, Vettec, Inc., Western States Trail Foundation

    COMMITTEE MEETINGS AT CONVENTION: Plan out which meetings you'd like to attend: Friday: Rules (9:00am), Ride Managers (12:00pm), National Championship (1:00pm), Veterinary (1:00-3:00pm), Trails & Land Management (1:00 p.m.), Membership (1:00pm), Research (4:00pm); Saturday: AERC International (8:45am), Competitions (12:30pm), Sanctioning (2:00pm).

    2012 VETERINARY CE: The 2012 Vet CE will be held Thursday, March 8, and Friday morning, March 9, in conjunction with the 2012 AERC convention. For flyer and registration form, view here. An application is on file with RACE for 12 CE units for the 2012 program. Only veterinarians are able to attend the program this year. Cost is $105 and includes lunch on March 8.

  • "…but it wasn't the horse's fault!" - A New Book by Julie Suhr

    Wednesday March 7 2012

    Julie Suhr, author of "Ten Feet Tall, Still", has released a second book, titled, "...but it wasn't the horse's fault! - a rambling catchall."

    With illustrations by Judith Ogus, readers can expect another insightful and delightful horse-inspired work from one of endurance riding's most passionate champions.

    "Bob Suhr [Julie's husband] kept a file he referred to as a 'catchall' in which he placed things he could not exactly categorize," Julie says. "This book is my catchall, no continuity from chapter to chapter. It is just a series of reflections and recollections."

    Each book comes with an E.R.J. (Endurance Ride Junkie) trailer decal designed by Steph Teeter, and all profits from the sale of this book go to The Center for Equine Health School of Veterinary Medicine in Davis, California.

    Julie will be available for words of wisdom and autographs at the AERC convention in Reno this weekend, March 9-10, with copies of her book for sale at the EasyCare booth. If you can't get to the convention, you can purchase the book through Julie at:

    Marinera Publishing
    100 Marinera Road
    Scotts Valley, CA 95066
    Fax & Tel: 831-335-5933
    $24.95 plus $5 shipping and handling

    For more more information, see

    2011 AERC Convention