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To all the faithful supporters of the Mt Adams Endurance Ride, the Ride Management Team would like to say, THANK YOU!!!
We had 33 start the 25, 52 on the 50, and 10 on the 75, 4 trail riders and 2 ride & tie teams.
Mary Ellen Prince won and BC'd the 25 on her horse, Diablo.
Heidi Hylton won the 50, while 2nd place Dennis Summers' horse, Rosie, took BC There were 4 juniors on the distance w/Sky Fleischman taking 7th place overall, 1st Junior and Jr BC.
Tani Bates won the 75 with Kim Black's Smooth horse getting the BC.
Some notes...we bought a box full of glowsticks but didn't break out a single one. All 10 of our 75 milers were done before dark! You guys rock!
The 75's started w/o incident, but about 10 minutes before the 50 was to start, a very nice gentleman by the name of Rick, who works as an investigator for the WA State Veterinarian's office showed up and wanted to see everyone's health papers. WHAT? Um...these riders are about to start their ride, but I'll do what I can to help. We worked together, with Rick spending most of his day with us...Then I look up at a truck arriving into camp. Hmm, that looks like a familiar vet rig, she must be here to do some random drug testing. RIGHT ON!! This was going to be a banner day and it wasn't even 8 am yet!
I'm happy to say, all went off w/o a hitch. Rick was very impressed with the level of competency he found at our ride, YES! Our vets, Dr. Jen, Dr Johanna Rigas and Dr. Gordon Bunting had done very thorough veterinary exams on the horses the day before, complete w/temps on EVERY SINGLE HORSE! This impressed Rick very much. He let us know he was very happy about our level of organization and planning. THANK YOU STATE OF WA! The doctor that showed up to do the random drug testing (your AERC drug testing fees at work!) was also happy w/the level of cooperation she received.
All of the important people, they know who they are, complimented the RM team of the Mt Adams ride for using good judgement and not canceling the ride willy nilly because of the sensational craziness that had happened just PRIOR to people putting their horses in their trailers and heading off to our ride.
Yea, we lost money this year, but we have no complaints, we were just happy to share our beautiful ride with all those who braved the conditions, even ostracism from their own barns, to come and support the ride.
There's more to the story, as always, but I'm a beat dog...and I still have work to do in order to get Stephanie's place cleaned up, trails unmarked, and bid adieu to the Mt Adams ride for this season. Then I get to head back home to Central Oregon, back to work, back to class, and resume life as life was meant to be lived. :)
Thank you thank you thank you. :)
So, in short, the Mt Adams Ride has got it goin' on! You guys are the best!
Hugs to all, and thank you again,
Darlene Anderson
Veronica Glenn
Stephanie Irving
Terry Ross
Max Merlich
& all the other people who come out and make this ride possible.
100 mile ride cancelled due to weather condition. Rest of ride still
to be held!!!
Ride Info
Weed Seed Free Hay is now required in the Gifford-Pinchot National Forest.
Ride through the forests above Trout Lake Valley in the shadow of a snowcapped 12,276-foot volcano. Excellent trails and old forest service roads. Good footing, beautiful loops, and views.
Head vet: Mike Foss, DVM. Jennifer Strelkauska, DVM. Gordon Bunting, DVM. 2 others TBA.
Vet-in starts at 3 pm, Friday, May 20th.
Pre-ride meeting 7 pm on Friday. Awards are Sunday morning.
Meal Included with Entry Fee:
Friday dinner is included with ride entry. Additional meals for non-riders may be purchased on site. Proceeds from meals go to support Trout Lake School and/or Trout Lake 4-H.