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Endurance.Net Home City of Rocks - Birth of an Endurance Ride

City of Rocks - Idaho Parks & Rec

City of Rocks - NPS

City of Rocks National Reserve
Images by Merri Melde
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2013 dates: August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

4-Day Results - 50 Miles each day:
Fastest overall time Karen Bumgarner and Z Summer Thunder
Overall Best Condition: Ladybug ridden by Carol Wadey
Limited Distance Results- 25 Miles each day:
Fastest overall time, overall Best Condition: Amara's Sonata ridden by John Teeter
Complete Results

Newest videos!

Marking Trail! by Merri

Day 1 Video by Merri

Day 2 Video by Merri

Day 3 Video by Merri

Day 4 Video by Merri

2012 Photos

Emigrant Trail by Merri

Emigrant Trail by Steph

Tooling around the Area by Merri

Tooling around the Area by Steph

The Most Spectacular High Trail by Merri

Emigrant Trail Video by Merri

Circle Creek High Trail Video by Merri

The Other Fun Stuff! Video by Merri

Marking Trail! by Merri

More Marking Trail! by Merri

Day 1 by Merri

Day 2 by Merri

Day 3 by Merri

Day 4 by Merri

More photos from 2011

Gallery I || Gallery II || Gallery III || Gallery IV || Gallery V || Gallery VI
BoxTop Trail Gallery || Indian Grove Trail Gallery

July 11,12, 13, 14 2012 - Almo, Idaho
Ride Managers: Steph Teeter and Regina Rose
Veterinarians: Bill Brown (head vet), Jim Baldwin
25 and 50 miles each day big loop rides, one out vetcheck.
Trail Rides each day trails will be marked, ride whenever you want
AHA Sanctioned 50 mile distances

Basecamp is a large field adjacent to the City of Rocks National Preserve, elevation 5500 ft. The trail footing in this area is very good, with just a few rocky sections - it is NOT a rocky ride! There will be some climbing everyday into the aspen forests at 7500 elevation.

You'll ride scenic single track trails through the park, and 2-track roads and cow trails across the high sagebrush desert BLM land. USFS trails will be a combination of dirt road and 2-track, some single track trail through the aspen groves and sub-alpine fir.

City of Rocks is know for it's botanical diversity - you'll see cactus, pinion pine, sagebrush, aspen and sub-alpine fire - all on one day's ride!

The course will be rolling - with climbs each day into the aspen groves, around 7500 ft elevation. Saturday riders will ride into the National Forest - with highest point at 8500 ft.

history... On his way to California in 1849, emigrant James F. Wilkens described the dramatic geological area he encountered as "City of Rocks." The name remains, as well as hundreds of pioneer inscriptions, wagon ruts, and journal accounts, testifying to the nearly quarter-million people who traveled through here between 1843 and 1869. Visitors today will see nearly the same scene - granite spires and monoliths reaching 60 stories tall. Geologists estimate the oldest granite to exceed 2.5 billion years. Established in 1988 as a national reserve, City of Rocks encompasses 14,407 acres of land (about one quarter is privately owned) and is reneowned for its scenic, geologic, and historic significance.