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Owyhee Halloweens Past
Images by lots of folks

Owyhee Halloweens Past
Images by lots of folks

Owyhee Halloweens Past
Images by lots of folks

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It Takes a Village... || Hallowed Weenies Day 1: Pickett Creek Brigade

Second Annual Owyhee Halloween Ride!
photos by Merri Melde


Day 1

Day 2 - Halloween

The Pickett Creek Brigade

Saturday October 30 2010

We'd never done it before: all 5 of us Pickett Creek neighbors riding a 50-mile ride together (me, Connie, Steph, John, Carol).

It was fun, challenging, beautiful - a tour southward toward the Owyhee mountains, through some new Owyhee Badlands, up Birch Creek wash, past the hobbit hole Wind Caves,

into Birch Creek Canyon under the narrow red rhyolite cliffs,

further up the canyon where a spring still flows,

and a hidden grove of renegade Russian olive trees and golden cottonwood trees shelter (at least one of each) a great horned owl, a long-eared owl, a Raven, and a sharp-shinned hawk.

It was fun and challenging for the horses: Jose, Finneas, Rhett, Mac, and Suz - four of which preferred to lead...


It Takes a Village...

Friday October 29 2010

It takes a village to get to an endurance ride: approximately 8 people, about 9 horses and a day or two of packing the entire farm into three horse trailers - all this to drive to basecamp only 10 miles down the road.

It's time for the second annual Owyhee Hallowed Weenies endurance ride.

The weather during Friday's vet-in was perfect - cool and clear, just perfect for a hundred miles of riding at the end of the season in the Pacific Northwest.

Merri Melde

Latest weather forecast
Halloween Costumes required optional but strongly suggested!

Online Entry Form - Please pre-register!! It helps us plan

October 30 (30/55) and October 31 (25/50)
at Regina's Place on Wees Rd, outside of Oreana, Idaho

Halloween, a full moon, and the last ride of the season! Join us for some fun and adventure.

Dinners Friday and Saturday - free with ride entry. $10 at the door.
Large indoor arena for meetings and dinners.
Halloween costume contest on SUNDAY!

Ride Managers:
Regina Rose and Steph Teeter

Regina's contact: 208 250 8662 || email
Steph's contact: 208 834 2788 || email

Ride Veterinarians:
Head Vet: Robert Washington DVM

Second vet TBA

Ride Entry: $90.00 for both distances. $30 for Trail ride. Dinner included with ride entry. Juniors half price.

Base camp at new location off Hwy 78 and Wees Rd. Large indoor arena for meetings and dinners if the weather is challenging. Trails will have good footing, some sand wash, minimal rock except some rocky sections riding through Birch Creek Canyon on day 1 (but it will be worth it!).

Day one: Birch Creek. Ride around the wind caves, and through the steep walled canyon (55's). Fairly easy trail, some sand wash, a few short climbs.
30 milers will START and FINISH at the Birch Creek wash vetcheck.
Trail map to come soon-

Day two: Utter Disaster. Follow the path of the historic battle from the pioneer days. From the flats at Castle Creek crossing, to the Snake River, below Castle Rock and Wildhorse Butte. Good footing low elevation ride. Some sand wash, minimal rock.

Day 1 Trail: 30,55,75
Trail map updated 10/22

LD will start at Birch Creek Vet check, NOT FROM CAMP! (drive 1.8 miles past Wees Rd on Hwy 78, turn right onto Castle Creek Rd, follow 4.3 miles then turn left-ish onto gravel road. Turns will be ribboned)

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Day 2 Trail: 25,50

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good footing, loop around Wildhorse Butte. Some sand washes.

From I-84 East (Oregon) Take Nampa exit 35 and follow signs to Hwy 45 (to Murphy)which takes you south towards Murphy. Follow hwy 78 east (left) after crossing the Snake River. Continue past the Oreana turnoff, take the next left (north) onto Wees Rd, after mile marker 47, just past the Utter Massacre historical. Take the next left onto Regina's drive.

From I-84 West (Utah): Take Hammett exit 112 onto Hwy 78. Go through Bruneau and Grandview towards Oreana. Turn right (north) onto Wees road just after mile marker 48, after crossing Castle Creek. Next left onto Regina's drive.