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2008 Fandango
2009 Fandango photos, stories & results

photos from 2009:

2009 Fandango Day 3
Images by Merri Melde

2008 Fandango
Images by Caroll Gatelier
Home || Results || Camp Info & Schedule of Events || Maps & Trail Desription || Directions & Weather || Sponsors || Contact

Merri's Stories:
Fandango Flagging || 200 Miles of Trail || The Caves || Desolate
Day 1: It's All About The Raven || Day 2: It's All About The Trail! || Day 3: It's All About Your Perspective

Steph's Stories : Another Owyhee Ride || Riding Drag

Karen Bumgarner's story: Owyhee Fandango - River Run!
Karen Chaton's Stories: Owyhee Fandango - The First 50 Miles!
Owyhee Fandango: Only 100 Miles to Go - Come Along for a Virtual Ride with Me!
Only 100 Mils to Go - Continued

Merri's Photo Galleries
Fandango Prep || Thursday || Day 1 || Day 2 || Day 3 Gallery I || Day 3 Gallery II || Day 3 Gallery III

Steve Bradley's Photos || Karen Chaton's photos

Full Results

50/50/60 - *3-day First Overall and overall Best Condition - Kara Yost and Musca Tiger Jack*
Winner of a Polar RS300Xgi !

25/25/30: *3-day First Overall and overall Best Condition - Scarlet Kapan and Rushcreek Loyd*
Winner of a Polar Heartcheck!

Day 1 Quick Results

50 Miles - 26 Starters, 24 Finishers
1. Christoph Schork - DWA Powerball - 4:40
1. Doug Swingley - Ali Banta - 4:40
3. Dean Hoalst - Redwing Ofcourage - 4:40.01
4. Bill Miller - HA Lady - 4:43
5. Melanie Shirilla - MikaNika - 4:51 - *BC

25 Miles - 22 Starters, 22 Finishers
1. James Robertsons - Always Playfair - 2:35
2. Ada Stokes - Danby Fair - 2:35.01
3. Rick Glass - Dia Al Rasan - 2:59
4. Lisa Coverdale - Amazing Ku - 3:03
5. Tonya Stroud - Hakheem - 3:03.01

Day 2 Quick Results

50 Miles - 40 Starters, 35 Finishers
1. Christoph Schork - DWA Powerball - 4:24.31
2. Dean Hoalst - Pay Attention - 4:29.42
3. Melanie Shirilla - On the Level - 4:34.19
3. Doug Swingley - Iamsamm - 4:34.19 - *BC
5. Carrie Johnson - TM Bagheera - 5:26

25 Miles - 22 Starters, 17 Finishers
1. Scarlet Kaplan - Rushcreek Loyd - 3:04
2. Jennifer Kaplan - Rushcreek Oats - 3:05
3. Michelle Hartman - NSH Town Jet - 3:17
4. Bob Lund - OFW Savant - 3:33 - *BC
5. Anne-Marie Elkins - Cat - 3:36

Day 3 Quick Results

100 Miles - 16 Starters, 10 Finishers
1. Christoph Schork - Double Dell - 10:32
2. Lee Pearce - Fire Mt Malabar - 11:13 - *BC
3. Karen Chaton - Pro Bono D - 11:48
4. Tinker Hart - RTR Cinammon Rose - 13:26
5. Karen Lieman - KSFA el Jakar - 15:38.01

80 Miles - 8 Starters, 7 Finishers
1. Beth Buzis - CL Calays - 8:23.01 - *BC
1. Christina Long - RR Raewyn - 8:23.02
3. Jeff Stuart - JV Remington - 9:45
4. Amanda Washington - Replica - 11:18
5. Carrie Johnson - LJ Adhim Husan - 12:37.01

60 Miles - 12 Starters, 11 Finishers
1. Melanie Shirilla - Mika Nika - 6:07.01 - *BC
2. Doug Swingley - Iamsamm - 6:07.02
3. Dick Root - Rocky - 6:59.10
4. Kara Yost - Musca Tiger Jack - 7:07
5. Tamara Baysinger - Consolation - 8:25

30 Miles - 19 Starters, 19 Finishers
1. James Robertsons - Always Playfair - 3:11
2. Ada Stokes - Danby Fair - 3:14
3. Scarlet Kaplan - Rushcreek Loyd - 3:50
4. Jennifer Kaplan - Rushcreek Oats - 3:50.01
5. Granger Eichorn - Carmen - 3:51

Photo Galleries



Day 1

Day 2

Day 3 - Gallery I

Day 3 - Gallery II

Day 3 - Gallery III

Just a Few of the Awards from Our Sponsors

100 and 80-mile River Run on Sunday!
A Multiday ride with 3 Days of LD and Endurance

Come join us this year for another great Owyhee adventure. We will have 3 days of great trails, from the foothills of the Owyhee Mountains south of camp, down to the Snake River Canyon to the north. This is a beautiful time in the Owyhees with grass and wild flowers, water in the creeks and snow on the mountains.

Every day a different trail!

Day 1:
Alder Creek 25/50 - you'll feel like you're in the wilderness with several creek crossings, sweeping views, beautiful rock formations and canyons. All holds will be out of camp. see map and details

Day 2: Hart Creek / Birds of Prey 25/50 - ride two large loops; south of camp into the rugged Hart Creek drainage, and north of camp to the Birds of Prey area with soft trails and sand washes. One half-way hold in camp. see map and details

Day 3 Trail & distance Revisions!
(see map for details)
Day 3:
Snake River Run 30/60/80/100 - This will be a special out and back trail along the Oregon Trail to the Snake River. Ride below the canyon walls, by ancient petroglyphs and old homesteads. A day of beatiful scenery, river wildlife and great footing for the horses! see map and details
Merri's petroglyphs
Steph's trail blog
more trail photos

Thursday Welcome Party!

We will have a wine and cheese welcome reception sponsored by Vettec on Thursday evening after vetting, and before the ride briefing - gather in the back yard and enjoy the refreshments. You may also purchase dinner on Thursday from Blue Canoe Catering.

Ride management will provide dinner and happy hour to all ride entries on the day that you ride. Additional meals may be purchased at the cafe through Monday morning breakfast.

Online Registration - available now!

Download printable Registration form

Register by MAY 23 to avoid a $10 late fee!
(we need to have a dinner count in advance)

Thanks to our sponsors!
Great awards this year!

Once again Owyhee Fandango wishes to heartily thank our sponsors. We are delighted to offer some wonderful awards again this year, and every contribution helps! Prizes this year include Fandango tshirts, product and samples from Vettec, RS300Xg1 Heart Rate monitor and HealthCheck from Polar USA, Embroidered horse coolers from Moxie Equestrian for 60, 80 and 100 mile BC awards, BC blankets from Mandolynn Hill Farm, BC blankets from Belesemo Arabians, riding gloves from SSG, riding gloves and sports drinks from Ironclad, Issential riding tights from Toklat, Kerrits, saddle pads from Fleeceworks, mid-pack gift certificates from Hought Endurance Tack, Magic Ointment from Trail-Rite, horse health products from Epona, .. and much more!

Clinic on Thursday!
Hoof Care and Innovative Hoof Protection Products

A free clinic featuring Christoph Schork, open to all.
Presented by: EasyCare, Global Endurance Training Center, and Vettec.
The purpose of the clinic is to review various hoof protection products available with a focus towards teaching participants to trim their own horses' hooves and to feel confident in applying hoof protection on their own without the help of a hoof care practitioner.
Thursday May 27, 12:00 - 3:00. Clinic agenda will include: Introduction & sponsor acknowledgment, Hoof care and trimming explained, Introduction of new hoof care products on the market, Introduction to VETTEC products and Demonstrations: applying Easyboot Glue-Ons and accurately measuring and preparing the feet for all types of hoof boot. Finally a Prize drawing and conclusion. Refreshments will be available.
This will be the third annual World Endurance Exchange at Fandango! The following have earned a bronze placques on the Fandango International Trophy, sponsored by Jay Randal of Australia, a framed poster from
Brass placques:
  • Christoph Schork (USA) and Mercedes Tapia (Argentina)
  • Beverly Gray (USA) and Leonard Liesens (Belgium)
  • Steph Teeter (USA) and Carol Gatellier (Belgium)
  • Christoph Schork (USA) and Clive Pollit (Great Britain)
  • Tracy Kaden (USA) and Maria Hagman-Eriksson (Sweden)
  • Tracy Kaden (USA) and Yurika Tachibana (Japan)
This year the Fandango will not be FEI, but we still welcome International participants adding their names to the list of World Endurance Exchange riders!.

Care to Join us?? send me email or join the Fandango WEE group!


Ride Managers: Steph & John Teeter, 208 834 2788, Email: steph@endurance.net

Awards and promotion:: Bev Gray, Email: bev@allwest.net

Head Vet : Robert Washington DVM
Second Vet: : Michael Peterson DVM
Third Vet (Sunday only) : Olin Balch DVM