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2009 AERC National Championship
Images by Merri Melde

100 Mile Results (unnofficial)
50 Mile Results (unnofficial)

50 Mile Results (unnofficial)
1. Kim Orr 12:09 Riding "Reggie" one of Val's horses 1st Featherweight
2. Val Kanavy 12:10 on Gold Raven First Lightweight
3. Cici Butler-Stasic (don't have horse's name)12:15
4. Erin Hudson 12:15:04
5. Barbara Hershberger 12:41
6. Shannon Constanti 12:41.1
7. Scott Carrol 12:57.1
8. Daryl Downs 12:57.2
9. Darolyn Butler 12:58 First Middleweight
10. Bill Wilson 1:04
11. Cindy Young 1:04.2
12. Mustafa Tehrani 1:04.5
13. Meta Sadlon 1:15
14. Debbie Olmstead 1:15
15. Becky Bunnell 1:15
16 Meg Sleeper 1:24
17. Ruth Ferland 1:24
18. Cordula Voights 1:24
19. Kristen Camper 1:29
29. Wendy Berejano 1:30
21. Casandra Roberts (first Junior) 1:31
22. Terry Wyatt (1st HW)
23. Nicki Meuten 1:37
24 Don Meuten (Hw was right on his heels!) 1:37
25. Dave Augustine (another hw right there!) 1:37
26 Sally Jellison 1:38
27 Amy Whelen 1:39
28. Cathy Downs
29. Leagh Ann Pauley
30. Susan Thompson
31 Pasty Gowen
32 Taryn Loreyi
33. Barbara Matthews
34. Mary Kathryn Clark
35 Rebecca Grams
36 Vic Stine
37 Tom Hagis 38 Robin Burris
39 Evette Venton
40 Cristi Johnson
41 Cat Carter
42 Debbie Bader
43 Barit Stonebrink
44 Tara Wyatt
45 Karen Bell
46 Teresa Bagwell
47 Trish Dowling
46 Sandy Thompson
49 Claire Godwin
50 Sidney Summerall Jr
51 Christo Dinkleman
52 Mike Bostic
53 Catherine Whitaker
54 Ann Ayers
55 Maria Villeneuve
56 Denise Secino
57 Trish Harrop
58 Lisa Winburn
59 Steve Overgard
60 Brenda ODonnel
61 Linsday Campbell
62 Dody Sutton
63 Steve Boles
64 Malory Capps Jr
65 Marico Hollingsworth
66 Erica Wilson
67 Susan Wilson
68 Roxanne Ciccone
69 Holly Shank
70 Dean Jackson
70 Sue Jackson
72 James Agnew
72 Mariann Byknish
completion only Anne Sexton (unqualified sponsor entry)

Debra Ivey
Samantha Sandler
Teresa Carrol
Bryna Stevenson
Dorota Raciborska
Michelle Hancock
Libby Lopp
Joel Wing
Dawn Valentino
Cynthia Abernethy
Jerry Brown
Lori Bacopoulos
Debbie Clark
Nicole Smith
Amy Summerall
Teresa McCarty
Pat Oliva
Cheryl Van Deusen
Wesley Crowe
Don Jackson
Ed Kidd
Heather Hancock
Andre Ruggeri

50 Mile Ride Day - Updates by Angie McGhee

Last update for a while. I'm going to get up and walk around a bit! I've removed those pulled at the finish so placings should be correct.
1. Kim Orr 12:09 Riding "Reggie" one of Val's horses 1st Featherweight
2. Val Kanavy 12:10 on Gold Raven First Lightweight
3. Cici Butler-Stasic (don't have horse's name)12:15
4. Erin Hudson 12:15:04
5. Barbara Hershberger 12:41
6. Shannon Constanti 12:41.1
7. Scott Carrol 12:57.1
8. Daryl Downs 12:57.2
9. Darolyn Butler 12:58 First Middleweight
10. Bill Wilson 1:04
11. Cindy Young 1:04.2
12. Mustafa Tehrani 1:04.5
13. Meta Sadlon 1:15
14. Debbie Olmstead 1:15
15. Becky Bunnell 1:15
16 Meg Sleeper 1:24
17. Ruth Ferland 1:24
18. 1:24 Cordula Voights 1:24
19. Kristen Camper 1:29
29. Wendy Berejano 1:30
21. Casandra Roberts (first Junior)
22. Terry Wyatt (1st HW)
23. Nicki Meuten 1:37
24 Don Meuten (Hw was right on his heels!) 1:37
25. Dave Augustine (another hw right there!) 1:37
26 Sally Jellison 1:38
27 Amy Whelen 1:39
Claire Godwin
Debra Ivey
Samantha Sandler
Teresa Carrol
Bryna Steenson
Dorota Raciborska
Michelle Hancock
Libby Lopp
Joel Wing
Dawn Valentino
Cynthia Abernethy
Jerry Brown
Lori Bacopoulos
Debbie Clark
Nicole Smith
Amy Summerall
Teresa McCarty
Pat Oliva
Cheryl Van Deusen
Wesley Crowe
Don Jackson
Ed Kidd

FINISH LINE PULLS: 7th place Dorota Raciborska lameness
8th Samantha Sandler pulled
9th Theresa Carrol pulled
10th place Michelle Hancock pulled
Non-finish line pulls: Libby Lop
Bryna Stevenson (junior)
Finishers: Reporting placings as if no pulls but all of these will bump up 2
15. Bill Wilson 1:04
16. Cindy Young 1:04.2
17. Claire Summers 1:04,3
18. Mustafa Tehrani 1:04.5
19. Meta Sadlon 1:15
20. Debbie Olmstead 1:15
21. Becky Bunnell 1:15
22 Meg Sleeper 1:24
23. Ruth Ferland 1:24
24. 1:24 Cordula Voights

1. Kim Orr 12:09 Riding "Reggie" one of Val's horses
2. Val Kanavy 12:10 on Gold Raven
3. Cici Butler-Stasic (don't have horse's name)12:15
4. Erin Hudson 12:15:04
5. Barbara Hershberger 12:41
6. Shannon Constanti 12:41.1
7. Dorota Raciborska 12:41.2
8. Samantha Sandler 12:42
9. Theresa Carrol 12:48
10. Michelle Hancock 12:50
11 Debra Ivey (first MW)
12. Scott Carrol 12:57.1
13. Daryl Downs 12:57.2
14. Darolyn Butler 12:58

Finish is official Kim & Val's horses vetted through with pulse of 56. 55 miles in 3:29 and 3;30 respectively.
CORRECTION: Teresa Carrol was not 4th. That was Erin Hudson. Teresa was not yet in

2nd Val 12:10
They started at 7 AM 2 50 min. holds you do the math! Is that 3:29 for 55 miles in deep sand??.

4 horses have passed the spotter together and Val was one so they made up the 2 min. on her and they're all traveling together. Gonna be a heck of a race. 2 more pulls: Heather Hancock (was in lead for 1st Junior so Mary Kathryn Clark *may* be 1st now) Cynthia Abernathy. Both horses out for lameness.

1. Val Kanavy 11:05 out time LW
2. Erin Hudson 11:07 FW
3. Teresa Carrol 11:07 FW
4. Smantha Sandler 11:08 LW
5. Kim Orr 11:08 FW
6. Cici 11:08 FW
7.Shannon Constanti FW
8. Barbara Hershberger LW
9. Michelle Hancock FW 11:29
10. Debbie Ivey 1st MW
11.Heather Hancock 1st JR
12. Scott Carroll LW
Pull RO 307 Debbie Clark
403 Jerry Brown

Top 5 pulsed through in 7 min. 1. Val Kanavy ?
2. Teresa Carrol 11:07
3. Erin Hudson
4. Samantha Sandler 11:08
5. Kim Orr 11:08
6. Cici 11:08
Pull rider Option: Debbie Clark

Front runners just arrived at 10:11 Did 16.5 miles in 57 min. Avg 16.5 so far. Teresa Carrol, Kim Orr, Valarie Kanavy, Samantha Sandler, Erin Hudson
38.5 miles completed. Nobody pulsed yet.

7:43 AM:
Sand + Heavyweights don't mix :-(: Pulls:
Wesley Crowe HW,
Don Jackson HW, Ed Kidd HW,
Teresa McCarty MW all lameness.
Two front Lameness, two rear lameness.


7:41 AM:
24. Don Jacksosn
26 Claire Summers
27 Tom Hagis
28 Darolyn Butler
29 Rebecca Grams
30 Mary Kathryn Clark
31 Wesley Crowe
32 Becky Bunnel
33 Amy Whelen
34 out time 9:46 Teresa McCarty
35 Cassandra roberts
36 Terry Wyatt
37 Cordula Voights
38 Debbie Olmstead
39 Meta Sadlon
40 Sandy Thompson
41 Debbie Bador
42 Dawn Valentino
43 Barbara Mathews
44 Don Meuten
45 Nicki Meuten
46 Lindsay Campbell
47 Kristen Camper
48 Dave Augustine
49 Meg Sleeper (out time 9:55)
50. Cynthia Abernathy
51 Sally Jellison
52 Cathryn Whitaker
53 Tara Wyatt
54 Pat Oliva
55 Berit Stonebrink
56 Yvett Vinton
57 Taryn Lorey
58 Patsy Gowen
59 Robin Burris
60 Vic Stine
61 Leigh Ann Pauley
62 Amy Summerall
63 Kathryn Downs
64 Teresa Bagwell Out time 10:06
65 Lisa Winburn.


7:09 AM:
The unknown 10th place horse on the last list was Nicole Smith but is now pulled lameness.
Cheryl Van Deusen and Precious Bonita
Andre Reggeri & Dare to Dream....unscheduled dismount. Horse still missing.


first loop was 22 miles. 1st 10 to pulse through:

1. Teresa Carrol
2. Val Kanavy
3. Erin Hudson
4. Samantha Sandler
5. Kim Orr
6. Cici Butler-Stasic
7 Dorota Raciborska
8. Susan Thompson
9. Shannon Constanti
10. Out time of 9:27 334? I don't have a 334 (13 min. behind 1st)
11. Deb Ivey 1st MW
12. Barbara Hershbeerger
13. Ed Kidd 1st HW
14. Daryl Downs
15. Michelle Hancock
16. Heather Hancock 1st Jr
17. Scott Carrol
18. Christi Johnson Out time 9:34 (20 min. behind 1st)
19. Cindy LaRoy Young
20. Mustafa Tehrani
21. Wendy Bejarano
22. Ruth Ferland
23. Steven Overgard
24. Bill Wilson Out time 9:38 (24 min. behind 1st)


6:32 AM:
First five horses:

Teresa Carrol

Valarie Kanavy

Jim Orr

Cici Butler-Stasic

"JD's rider" Hardemen?

Started at 7 AM did either 22 or 24 miles on first loop (Laurie wasn't sure which) in 1:18 FLYING. 1st out time is 9:14

Sounds insane to me. I hate a long loop for starters where you can't get split up and a flat fast race where everyone is going for it....ugh!! Expect the first check will be pretty insane for workers.


October 15:
I'll be posting updates on AERC-Forum and CC-ing Ridecamp, however, my posts to ridecamp have been delayed for up to several hours lately so if you don't see anything on RC you might try the members forum if you're on there. Will also post updates on facebook.

101 entries right now but a couple haven't checked in so are questionable. Debra McClary scratached...abscess.
Val's horse isn't listed on the AERC site but she's riding Gold Raven. That horse has done an 8:08 100 at Goethe in the sand (1st & BC) and a 4:04 50 at JD's in the sand, finished 12 of 13 starts and the pull was for surface factors so doubt she's planning on letting any grass grow under her. Meg Will be riding that beautiful little mare that won & BC'd the Young Riders 75 mile Championship (see her *after* 75 HOT & hilly miles at:)

Cheryl Van Deusen's mount isn't listed either. She's riding Precious Bonita. Audri Dinkleman won't be riding.

7 Juniors
31 FW
33 LW
16 MW
14 HW

Was going to break it down male/female but some of the names could go either way so didn't. >g<

I have a *little* advantage over Jody since I have a list of entries with their numbers printed out wheras she had to jump on a moving train and just go. Hopefully if they only have to give me numbers I may be able to follow a few more riders before they lose patience and have to hang up on me.


100 Mile Results

8:05 AM:
Here we go folks...this is official according to my source, last horses were in at 4:30 this morning, roughly a 50% completion rate. Please forgive any misspellings...I tried.

1. Valery Kanavy on Spectacular Gold --Overall winner
and LW Champion and Best Condition**
2. Nicki Meuten on Not Tonight--FW Champion
3. Meg Sleeper on Syrocco Reveille
4. Samantha Sandler on Elliptic
5. Connie Caudill on Hava Nahh
6. Amy Whelan on Wallace Hill Shade
7. Gina Hagis on Lumina
8. Lisa Green on LR Amana Tabi
9. Farzad Faryadi on Hot Desert Knight---MW Champion
10. Steven Rojek on Beaujolais --Tie
10. Kyle Gibbon on Julio--Tie
12. Suzette Fegan on Socrates
13. Ashton Katz on TEF Sunflash
14. Trisha Dowling on ZF Mocha
15. Hernan Barbosa on Jake
16. Natalie Muzzio on Laconic
17. Kordula Voightf on DJB Mystical Image
18. Lynn Kennelly on Basha Bada Bing
19. Morgan Kennelly on SHE Galexxi ---Junior Champion
20. Jennifer Sapira on Aladdin Weczera
21. Wendy Mancini on Dusty Grand Bonanza
22. Cheryl Van Deusen on DA Al Capone+//
23. Mary Katherine Clark on KA Mistari
24. Rebeca Grams on Bears Northern Light
25. Nancy Sluys on Indigo Blue.

Also, the BC judging is over, 7 horses stood....will post the results as soon as I have them.


6:59 PM:
Ok last post for the night. Things are going very slowly now. Apparently the sand has taken it toll on some. Riders are slowing down, spreading out. Going to be a while waiting on the rest of them.

Debbie Shultz pulled due to a fall, RO
Emily Mathews pulled RO

Good night guys !!!

6:06 PM:
Finished already are:
1. Val
2. Nicki
3. Meg
4. Samantha Sandler....just in not official yet.

Running in this order on their last loop....this finishes out the top ten:
5. Amy Whelan
6. Connie Caudill
7. Gina Hagis
8. Lisa Green
9. Steven Rojek
10. Kyle Gibbons


5:35 PM:
Ok...we're back in business...the spy had her phone die and she had to charge it.

Finished so far:

1. Val/Spectacular Gold
2. Nicki/Not Tonight
3. Meg Sleeper/Syrocco Reveille

PULLS: Libby Llop riding Fly so Free-lameness Myra Fleming riding Vicktory Danse- lameness

Junior rider Morgan Kennelly and mom sponsor are in at 80 miles. Morgan's horse lost a shoe and had to get that put back on...but they are going back out and doing fine.


4:43 PM:
Val has officially won the ride. She is the overall winner and the LW champion.

Riding Spectacular Gold. Riding a home bred horse.


4:19 PM:
Val just crossed the finish line....this is still an unofficial finish.

Two pulls:

Lori Shifflett was pulled for lameness
Alison Bailey RO'ed.

Steven Rojek is now the First MW rider.


3:54 PM:
Still no sign of Val and Nicki at the finish.

Ok, here is the leader board:
1. Valerie Kanavy - Spectacular Gold ---first LW
2. Nicki Meuten -first FW - Not Tonight
3. Meg Sleeper - Syrocco Reveille
4. Samantha Sandler - Elliptic
5. Gina Hagis - Lumina
6. Lori Shifflett ---first MW - Dazed and Amazed
7. Connie Caudill - Hava Nahh
8. Alison Bailey - D-Zar Emmanuel
9. Lisa Green - LR Amana Tabi
10. Emily Mathews - Spiced Tee
11. Kyle Gibbon - Julio
12. Steven Rojek - Beaufolais
13. Hernan Barbosa - Winn Star
14. Farzad Faryadi - Hot Desert Knight

No HW riders...both were pulled earlier in the day.
The junior in front would be Morgan Kennelly.

100 Mile Updates:

3:23 PM:
Ann Crandell was just pulled at 90 miles for metabolic.


3:19 PM:
6th horse is in at 80 miles---Gina Hagis
7th horse is in at 80 miles--Lori Shifflett
8th horse is in at 80 miles--Connie Caudell

Whew...this is coming fast now.

Ann Crandell has still not been vetted through the 90 mile mark yet. She presented to the PR team, horse wasn't down and had to go back out.

Val is ready to leave on the last 10 mile loop currently.


3:00 PM:
Nicki Meuten to leave in 2nd place behind Val by 8 mins.

Ann Crandell is still working to get her horse's pulse down...cooling, and walking three steps...and cooling more.

stay tuned for more


2:56 PM:
Valerie came in alone at the 90 mile mark. Did that 10 mile loop in 54 minutes. Her out time is 5:18 EST.

Nicki and Ann are also in, but not vetted through yet. This is a 30 minute hold, will be back with more out times ASAP.


2:28 PM
4th horse is Meg Sleeper out at 4.43
5th horse is Samantha Sandler out at 4:58

Field is starting to spread out now.....everyone is on pins and needles...expecting the three front horses in at ANY minute now.


2:07 PM
The front three horses are: Valery Kanavy Nicki Meuton Ann Crandell They are out on a 10 mile loop now, left about 4 mins.ago. None of them look to be backing off the pace, in fact, will probably do that 10 miles in about 45 mins. or less. With Ann and Nicki both riding in the FW division, could be a fight for FW champion going on there. Meg Sleeper has come into this VC, she is in 4th place and the front three horses have a 40 min. lead on her. None of the other top ten horses are in yet. As soon as I have an update on the rest of the Top ten, will put that up. One of the juniors is in at 64 miles now, the other junior is farther back, but both girls are still in the race. Go juniors !!!
1:22 PM
Just in, I mean literally just in. I had to wait on the phone until Ann and Nicki presented.

Val, Nicki and Ann came into the 80 mile hold together. Here is the out order:

Val at 3.56 EST.
Nicki at 3.59 EST.
Ann at 3.59 EST.

Looks like one heck of a horse race...I bet the loop times on these last two loops are going to be amazing.


1:07 PM
Two more pulls:

Alicia Manseutti to lamness

Daroyln Butler to metabolic. Horse is fine, was standing and eating grass when Laurie phoned in.


12:54 PM
Temp is 74 degrees, overcast with 56% humidity...did have a small sprinkle shower for 5 mins.

Front runners are expected in at next VC in about 20 mins. Will have an update then.

1. Valery
2. Ann Crandell
3. Nicki Meuten
4. Meg Sleeper
5. Samantha Sandler
6. Gina Hagis
7. Lori Shifflett
8. Amy Whelan
9. Connie Caudell
10. Alison Bailey riding the Tevis star....K-Zar


12:19 PM:
Just talked to Laurie, confirmed again that John and Heraldic are out for lameness. No other pulls at this time. Both juniors are still in the race.

Valery left the 64 mile mark 20 mins. ago with a 2 min. lead on Ann Crandell, and a 5 min. lead on Nicki and Nellie. So, they are on a 16 mile loop, guesses are that they are together again. Val's horse seems to be out recovering the others at every VC....therefore she is getting out ahead of them. But they are catching up each loop. Not sure how long that will last.


12:05 PM:
According to Daryl, John Crandell and Heraldic were pulled at around 60-65 miles for lamness.

In front now:
Ann Crandell

Race must be starting to really heat up...be interesting to see how those battle it out.


11:26 AM
Morgan Kennely is in 23rd. place overall.....One of the two juniors.
10:58 AM:
Jennifer Poling just got pulled.

The Rojek crowd has come into the VC.


10:44 AM:
The leaders are out on the third loop which is 18 miles

Next loops will be:

4th loop- 16 miles
5th loop- 10 miles
6th loop- 10 miles

Those last two should be FAST. According to my source...they are "FLYING".

They are up to 8 pulls so far, one of which is metablic, the rest are lamenesses.


10:32 AM:
At 46 miles now, Val has a 6 min. lead on Nicki/Nellie, JohnCrandell/Heraldic

Only 7 pulls so far, mostly rear end lamenesses, but one Metabolic.

Both jrs. are still in, but not sure where. Learderboard looks like this for the top ten:

Valery Kanavy out on 3rd loop
John Crandell out on 3rd loop
Nicki Mueton out on 3rd loop
Ann Crandell out on 3rd loop
Jennifer Poling out on 3rd loop
Meg Sleeper in check point 2
Samantha Sandler in check point 2
Farzad Fayadi in check point 2
Amy Whelan in check point 2
Lori Shifflett in check point 2


Loop 1 Update
1. Valerie Kanavy - Spectacular Gold - out time 9:22 AM
2. Nicki Meuten - Not Tonight - out time 9:24 AM
3. Ann Crandell - HH Saba Shams - out time 9:24 AM
4. John Crandell - Heraldic - out time 9:26 AM
More here


SANCTIONED by AERC, AHA and SEDRA. There is no extra fee to enter the AHA local ride; please register directly with AHA by downloading an entry form from www.arabianhorses.org.

TRAILS: We will be using permanently marked trails that are a combination of wooded paths and sandy roads with rolling hills. Road crossings have very little traffic. ALL VET CHECKS WILL BE IN CAMP and the vetting area is centrally located, so you may wish to crew directly from your trailer.

LOCAL AMENITIES: Information and directions to local stores and attractions will be posted at www.2010aercnationalchampionship.com and available when you check in at registration.

CAMPING: H. Cooper Black Field Trial and Recreation Area has two bathhouses and numerous water outlets. The camp office is located at the barn at the end of Sporting Dog Trail, Cheraw, SC 29520 and their number is 843.378.1555. Camp officially opens Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 12 noon. Those arriving before then or staying after noon on Oct, 17 pay additional fees directly to H. Cooper Black.

For those who have not already made reservations for the limited number of electric sites, a primitive camping fee of $10.50/day must be paid with your entry. All rigs must display documentation showing you have paid camping fees. Those using primitive camping will receive documentation when you check in to park. Anyone who has reserved an electric site must check in directly with the H. Cooper Black office, located in the horse barn, located just to your left as you reach basecamp .

LIMITED STALLS and PIPE CORRALS: To reserve a stall in the H. Cooper Black barn or a metal pipe corral for your horse, phone H. Cooper Black at 843.378.1555. You must pay in advance for these facilities. The park service will post on the pipe corrals and stalls names of those reserving each one.


1. South Carolina law requires a copy of negative Coggins within the past year for each horse on site.
2. Dogs are allowed, but must be contained/on a leash at all times. No loose dogs please!
3. If your horse/dog digs holes or your horse paces, creating a trench, fill these in before you leave.
4. Manure should be piled at designated areas located around basecamp. Do not spread manure!
5. Fires are only allowed in metal fire rings located at the campsites.
6. All generators must be turned off by 10pm each night and may be turned back on at 5 am.
7. Helmets are required at all times when mounted during competition.
8. No cantering in camp (until past bathhouse or main intersection) especially during competition!

FOOD: Dinner will be available on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights at basecamp. Coffee and breakfast sweets will be available Thursday-Sunday mornings. The 100 mile awards brunch is Friday.

For more information:
PATSY GOWEN, Ride Manager

CHRISTI FRENCH, Ride Secretary