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2007 Young Riders President's Cup
2006 Young Riders President's Cup

Race Day
Images by John Teeter


It is Feb 7 and we have all arrived safe and sound....we got in to the Hotel (about 12 miles from the airport in Abu Dhabi) around 1:15 am....long flight - only a 3 hour holdover in Amsterdam, but we also had to stop in Bahrain....It is taking me a bit to get used to this keyboard - it has really small keys and close to all the "odd" characters on the keyboard....excuse typos

Becky and the horses arrived about 3 hours after us - they flew into Dubai vs. Abu Dhabi and had to trailer to the stables from there - another 2 hour trek for the horses. All horses traveled well - ate and drank - Becky said that Theatric, once loaded in the van, seemed nervous with the noise and bit at the metal chest bar - one of the attendants for the van jumped up into his hay bin in front of him and sat with him and stroked his head the entire trip to the stables, and he (Tee) just relaxed and went back to eating - Becky said it was "cute" -

I have to admit I slept like a log once at the hotel - I set the alarm for 7am this morning, and turned on CNN to watch the news, and the next thing I knew John was calling my room at 8:30 asking if I had heard from Becky yet. Oh - the hotel was not expecting us until TOMORROW....so that was a little snafu - food is set up much like Malaysia - buffet breakfast with all the salads and chicken meat (again, Muslim country) and fresh fruits...I had yogurt and a freshly made veggie omelet.

We are off the stables - I have not yet seen the horses since they arrived after 5am this morning....am anxious to get out there and let Tee know I am here. very sunny but cool here this morning...about mid-50s with a light wind. seemed funny to see everyone at midnight at the airport with ski hats on!!!! Oh - for those of you yet to come, bring a jacket - it is cool here very late and very early. AND there is no one to greet you at the airport, so expect to take a cab (no hotel shuttle) when you arrive - it will cost you 50 DM and the money exchanger (there were two of them) is right there at the airport near the Starbucks coffee...!

will talk later after I see the horses....
