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Images by Wan Nazir, Yayasan Terengganu
Bev's Ride Story - Part 3

Race Night 5:30pm

Saddled, braided manes, shiny coats the RTES team of horses paraded to the start gate. They know it is "Flag Off". It is a thunderous start with the local Malaysian spectators lining the trek for a mile to cheer for Tuanku Mizan. Malaysians love thier King and are intrigued with horses. The King has done so much for the promotion of the sport in only in Malaysia but its development throughout Asia. He is an outstanding equestrian and loves and cares for his horses.

Steph and I and our Austrailian friends decide to start 5 minutes after the front running speed. Good plan, as our horses were relaxed at our (to finish is to win) pace. Water stops were every 5K with water bottles for riders and tanks filled with water, wet hay for horses as well as cheers from the crowd of spectators. We rode along the beach with gorgeous scenery and refreshing ocen breezes.

I wished it would be daylight longer. The weather was perfect, tack fit perfect, our horses were perfect. Yes. Just into the crew area we were met by our grooms and a mass of RTES blue shirts to help our horses cool and move thru the vet check. There were fans above the water tanks and the recoveries were quick. The state of the art timing systems kept us on schedule (There was a countdown display= within 5 minutes of leaving the vet check the diplay was coded yellow with the seconds counting down, red coding with longer than 5 minutes and Green for GO. The veternarians were some of the best in the world. The trot out lanes were all white rail fencing.

Junkett al la Rose was all A's in the metabolic perameters, but the trot out was a grade 1. Dr. Brian Sheahan (Austrailia) asked "Bev, do want to see that trot out again or would you like to vets to vote?" Oh, no need for another trot, we retired after Loop 1. Disappointed, yes, as Steph and I planned to ride our pace All Night for completion. Junkett went back to the RTES stable after the RTES veternarian did a detailed exam. No heat, no swelling, no tenderness, no finish. Whatever, it was mild and he was 100% sound the next morning.

Stephs groom and crew took care of Ekbah, so Steph had time to relax in the chalet with a cup of hot coffee and sink into the caressing chair...ahhh.. RTES had a crew area manager who kept track of out times and had horses saddled and ready. Steph would go out on the 30K 2nd loop by herself and it was d a a r r r k k . Clouds shielded the moon and the forest canopy would block the rest. She would glide through the night with the sweet smells of the forest, sand, ocean and wonder what animal is making noises above her head. Oh My.....

Each rider was equipped with a GPS tracker so the race management could follow the entire movement of the race filed. We knew when Steph was near the venue and we were ready for her. Her mare recovered fast, but at the trot our she was lame. Alas, no Sultans Cup belt buckle for Steph.

The energy and excitement of the race was still within us, so we went out to help and mingle with all our friends. We met Ramlan at the Kings' special crew area. The King was just out on Loop 3 and we went out to cheer for him. Ramlan drove a BMW X5 sponsor car. Nice. Of course we first saw the "posting" headlamp of the King as he came into view with his wonderful gelding Cocoa and following by special crews and security. CheMatDin was the RTES General Manager and was attentive to the Kings and horses' every need. This team looked great! (The King would eventually be eliminated after Loop 4). It was now 2:00 am and with our adrenilin drained Steph and I faded back to the Sutra Beach Resort.

Prize Giving;

The rain held off until 9:00am, so perfect race weather. The last riders finished at 8:30am. It was my friends Peter Tan and his Presco Endurance Team. Good Job! The Prize Giving ceremony was beautifully staged and catered. Congratulations to the winner Wan MS Norhafizi from the Tenaku Mahkota Kelantan Endurance Team and the Best Conditioned Songket blanket was awarded to Idais Tobiha of the Terengganu Endurance Team who was proudly lead into the ceremony tent. An Impressive Performance! Their trophy was also a beautiful designed stirrup trophy. This years Sultans Cup had a 55% completion rate- better than the FEI world average. Bravo Malaysia!!!!


Our wonderful guides and driver Amin, Nazir and Samsudin fromt he Yayasan Foundation planned an afternoon of Batik shopping. The Nozi Batek was away from the tourist bus route and in the countryside. It had an artists studio where one artist was designing on the Batik silks. The store sold gorgeous batiks at a fraction of the town shopping. We were thrilled with our bargain purchases.

November 8;

Steph spent the day catching up with her Endurance.net and I went for a private tour of the Terengganu State Museum. It offered elaborate displays of historical, cultural and modern exhibits. Today was filled with school children who were facinated with the current exhibit- snakes and other poisonous creatures. I had to opportunity to hold the 8ft King Cobra. He didn't try to "look me in the eye" or squeeze me, but I didn't give him a chance and returned him to the master. I understand that at last years Sultans Cup a horse spooked at a King Cobra in the trail..Oh My again...

The Finale;

How can this magical trip to Malaysia end? What a magnificent, beautiful and special country. The Malaysians are so generous, kind and sincere and every face offers to share a smile. Their hospitality and friendliness surround every aspect of their lives. The Sultans Cup is an impressive Wold caliber event- one of the best that I have ever attended. Next year is already in the planning and scheduled for October 2011.

Terima Kasih (Thank you) Malaysia and Royal Endurance Training Stables

"Everyday is a Good Day"~Zen of a yun man (who certainly visited Malaysia)