Colombia - Links & Info
Federacion Ecuestre de Colombia
Ecuestre Colombia
Weather in Bogota
Bogota Daily (in English)
CIA World Factbook - Colombia
South America for Visitors: Colombia
 Minesterio de Cultura, República de Colombia
Colombia is joining the world of International Endurance. Their FEI recognized National Federation - Federación Ecuestre Colombia - now has an Endurance Discipline, and they are commited to advancing and promoting the sport of Endurance in Colombia.
FEC has organized an Endurance conference - un Seminario de Endurance - for June 24,25 & 26, followed by a Dia de Campo (outdoor gathering) and an 80 km Endurance Event on July 1.
Steve & Dinah Rojek and I have been invited to share our combined knowlege of the sport of Endurance - from training and competition to the organization of FEI competitions and the 'State of Endurance' around the world.
Seminar and Speakers
Endurance Conference, PDF file (rotate after opening)
A Power Point Version
Vamos a Colombia!
Why Colombia?.. Endurance!
Colombia - Bogota - it's safe, it's beautiful, the people are wonderful, the
food is fantastic. I really didn't know what to expect, I know so little
about this lovely country with such a bad reputation. ... more
Observations - Colombia
...I've been to Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico - but Colombia just never registered as a possibility. And I am a bit embarrassed now of my ignorance. It couldn't be more different from my vague imaginations of riding through the jungle, looking over my shoulder for dark men slipping through the shadows, clad in jungle fatigues carrying AK47's, of breaking out of the trail onto a road crossing, there to encounter armed guards in jeeps, radios crackling, rifles stacked high in the back seat... ok, I exagerate, too many bad movies, but I was so very wrong about this country! ...more
Endurance in Colombia
Colombians are fairly new to Endurance, having held their first 'official' (regulated) Endurance event in 2001. A small core group of riders have gradually built the sport up, and now they are ready to join the ranks of International Endurance - FEI. ... more
Dinah's Endurance Seminar
This group of endurance riders is hungry for information on Endurance - how to train, feed, compete and manage their horses for Endurance. Steve and Dinah Rojek and I were asked to share our combined knowlege with the group, and Dinah put together a comprehensive seminar program, which spanned the course of three days. ...more
The Endurance Ride at La Pradera
The Federation plans on staging the first FEI Endurance Event in Colombia in January 2007. They staged an Endurance event during our stay (managed by forever cheerful and energetic Carolina Barraque) so that we could observe, comment, and offer ideas that could help them with the FEI ride in January. ...more
A Visit with Hernan's Family
Hernan left Colombia for the USA 5 years ago, and his huge family misses him dearly. His story is also a product of Columbia's dark period of unrest, kidnappings and murder. Four years ago he met Steve and Dinah and has been working for them ever since. But now, Hernan is getting married. ...more
Photo Galleries
Arrival in Bogota, and a ride in the high country. (11,000 ft at the equator)
A day in Bogota - La Candeleria, Museo del Oro, Botero Exhibit (Columbian artist), and dinner with Federation Endurance committee.
A day with Mauricio and Christina.
A trip to the historic town of Villa de Leyva, founded circa 1550.
June 23: Shopping, Food, and ... Horses
June 22: Colombia - Bogota - Endurance
La Pradera Endurance Ride
 Photos from the Ride
 Tour of a possible venue for the CEI*** ride at Nemoncon.
