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I'm here on invitation from their Equestrian Federation - their fledgeling Endurance committee is working towards building Endurance as a significant sport here. Hoping to create a pool of FEI Endurance riders, to learn the basics of training, management and competition, and to host their own quality FEI events. Steve and Dinah Rojek are also here on invitation, bringing their wealth of knowlege and experience, and Dinah's comprehensive presentation on Endurance - how to get started, and how to excel.
The Federation, Commission, Endurance Committee Their Endurance program started with their first real event in October 2001. They have their own set of rules, adopted by the Federation, which primarily mirrors FEI rules, with some exceptions for issues dealing with children and junior riders and sponsorship (similar to AERC). Some of the riders have participated in rides outside of Colombia, but for the most part they are learning on their own - reading, studying training physiology, following internet discussions, inviting speakers and experts, making many of the mistakes that most newcomers to the sport make, but steadily making progress. They are somewhat limited by their terrain, which can be quite steep and rocky, but are constantly scouting new places to ride. Recently they've identified a National Park which is encouraging more public use, and will give them a course with better footing - something they will need in order to meet FEI qualification and speed requirements. The demographics of their Endurance community are similar to ours (USA) - middle class people, juggling jobs, kids and their horse passion.
Gregory became involved with horses, scouting Argentina for good horses and breeding stock, and eventually caught the Endurance bug, and now I believe his is hooked. He has several nice prospects now, and is setting his sights on competing in the 2010 WEG in Lexington. He's serious about the sport, and I'm sure he'll make it. When I put my Orlov cross mare on the market last year (very nice horse, but more of a handful than I wanted at the time) Gregory made an offer - Ok - but I guess I'll have to come to Colombia to see her! So here she is (Nature's Cleopatra) and here I am too! Gregory helped set this trip in motion - the seminar, the endurance event (next week), and the introductions between us (myself and the Rojeks) and the other Equestrian Federation and Endurance committee members. - so that's the beginning. more later- Steph -back to main page- COMISION DE ENDURO Sr. DIEGO ARBOLEDA Sr. JORGE ENRIQUE VILLA Sr. MAURICIO MUTIS Sr. DANIEL VASQUEZ Sra CAROLINA BARRAQUER Sr. GREGORY SMETEK Sra. Maria Eugenia de Mendoza. Coordinadora COMITÉ EJECUTIVO Dra. Ma. Eugenia de Mendoza, Presidente MY(r). Héctor Suárez Mayorga, Vicepresidente Dr. Carlos Esteban Jaramillo, Secretario Dr. Israel Bluman, Tesorero Dr. Rene Verswyvel, Vocal SECRETARIA GENERAL Rosario García de Martínez. REVISOR FISCAL Iván Novella -Principal Pedro Arturo Díaz M. -Suplente MIEMBROS DEL TRIBUNAL DISCIPLINARIO Dr. Jorge Ortiz Rubio Dr. Miguel Francisco Zornosa General Jairo Duvan Pineda Niño ![]() |