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Julie Suhr reaches 30,000 miles!
Add Your CommentsJulie Suhr crossed the finish line of the 2007 Shine and Shine Only Endurance ride, for her 30,000th mile of Endurance compeition!

In addition, on Saturday when I achieved my goal, I had the best people in the world by my side. Kathie Perry and Sara Spencer, let me drag on them for 50 miles. Alex North, Becky Glaser, Patricia and Mike Soffel cleaned my horse up for the BC judging because I was too beat. And I know that Bob and our daughter, Barbara, were there every footfall because they wanted this ride for me as much as I did.
For those of you wondering if you are past the point of taking up this sport, and to answer Nik's question, I was 40 when I tried my first endurance ride in 1964. I failed miserably and was rightfully pulled at the first vet check. I completed my first ride in 1965. Bob, for whom it took 25 years of marriage to get on a horse, completed his first ride, the Tevis Cup, in 1976 at the age of 58. He thought it would be easier than crewing. He rode his last 50 miler at age 84. And thank you, Nik, for asking how young we were rather than how old we were.
Trilby and Les and Dave Rabe are the riders with many, many more miles than I have. They are the only ones I know that have been more privileged than I. "
The following is a biography of Julie Suhr written a few years ago by Pamela Burton, published in HorseCity.Com

Rider Profile - Endurance
Julie Suhr
Hometown: Scott's Valley, California
Biography by Pamela Burton
Julie Suhr just turned 76. She lives in Scott's Valley near Santa Cruz, California. For over thirty years, she has ridden in cross county endurance races of 30, 50, and 100 miles each. Starting in 1968, Julie began riding the coveted 100-mile, one-day Tevis Cup race. She has started the race 28 times and finished 22, with three Haggin Cup wins, the award given to the horse among the top ten finishers, which is judged to be in the best condition to continue. Julie says that her ability to still ride long distances is directly attributed to good health, and a supportive husband.
Julie says there are some changes she has noticed from a lifetime of riding, and some things to keep in mind when "riding into your 70's". First, "polish up your sense of humor". The thing that does not change with age is the thrill of a good ride on a good horse". She admits that the confidence she used to take for granted is tempered by the reality of knowing that if she goes off she could break a hip. She knows her reflex actions and balance are nowhere near as sharp and quick as they once were. She feels that if you are going to continue to compete, the selection of endurance prospects is reduced. She now likes to buy a horse keeping the 6 "S's" in mind; Safe, Sane, Short (14.2 or 3 at most), Smooth, Sound and Sure-Footed.
She has noticed some other changes brought on by the years. She is more sensitive to hunger and thirst. Julie says that she rode her first Tevis Ride (over 30 years ago) with "not a single drop of liquid or food." She now carries four water bottles on her saddle. Her most important addition to her riding gear is her survival fanny pack, which she wears around her waist. "This is my security blanket. It goes where I go." In case of a fall off her horse, she will have on her body:
* A space blanket.
* Band-aids.
* A glowstick to fend off wild animals, or to attract attention.
* A knife with an easy-to-open blade.
* A small leatherman tool that has many uses.
* Some waterproof matches.
* A couple of leather thongs for quick repairs.
* Some benadryl in case of attack by killer bees.
* A few Advil in case of pain.
* A short, small pencil with a tiny notepad. She says the point always breaks the first time you put it in your pack, but no problem, you can sharpen it with your knife.
* Lastly, a lipstick, "Because you never know who you are going to run into out there."
Julie also says that her thermostat no longer works as well as it used to. "I am much more apt to be too cold or too hot than in previous years. She likes Polar fleece that zips up the front so that you can get it off and on without removing your helmet, and is easy to tie around your mid-section with just one loop while riding. Julie is sure that "the two discoveries that have meant the most to mankind are not the discovery of fire or the invention of the wheel. They are polar fleece and Velcro." She has also switched from an English to an endurance type saddle that has a deeper seat and a rounded pommel in the front to give her more support.
Julie continues to go to at least one endurance ride a month, and is often accompanied by her husband and trail companion, Bob, who turned 82 this year.