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Certification Protocol Established for USEF licensed shows
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U S Equestrian
Due to EHV-1 Virus Outbreak Health Certification Protocol Established for USEF Licensed Shows in Florida
(Lexington, KY) - In response to the recent EHV-1 virus outbreak in Florida, and in the best interest of horses, USEF members and competition organizers, the USEF has approved the implementation of precautionary health restrictions for entry into show grounds holding USEF licensed competitions in the State of Florida. This is a temporary measure and it is anticipated this will not be necessary once the virus outbreak is under control.
These protocols have been implemented at the shows locally where the EHV-1 outbreak has been the most concentrated. We are not suggesting that all show grounds in Florida (other than the locally affected ones) would need to implement any of these restrictions. We suggest that all other organizers have this document as an informational basis only.
The USEF, the Florida Department of Agriculture, Stadium Jumping, Inc. and Littlewood Farms, have cooperated to create this health certification form which will accompany every horse upon its initial arrival at a USEF licensed competition show grounds in Florida. It must be stamped and signed by a licensed veterinarian. This certification is in addition to the Official Interstate Health Certificate required to enter the State of Florida, it does not substitute for the Interstate Health Certificate.
Use the hyperlink below to paste into your browser to view and print the form called ?EHV-1 Sample Protocol?
The form can also be accessed on the USEF website, by going to the home page and clicking on the red area at the top ?Florida EHV-1 Press Releases and Updates.? The form is the first item in that area.
While neither the USEF nor competition organizers can make any guarantees that any horse will not be exposed to the EHV-1 virus, we can all join together to make every effort to provide a safe environment. It is the decision and responsibility of every owner, exhibitor and trainer as to whether they wish to assume the risk of competing his/her horse in Florida at this time in light of the recent outbreak.
For information and questions please call Leigh Anne Claywell at the USEF headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, 859-225- 6959, or
Press Release