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Re: full recovery at vet checks?
In a message dated 2/19/99 10:58:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, CMKSAGEHIL
<< Considering that we try to make roughage intake a continuous process, it is
generally in full swing at the beginning of the ride (the horse should ideally
have been eating on the trip to the ride site and the entire night before the
ride, and I know for a fact that all of mine do, and bump rudely on the
trailer if they run out of hay), this is not a process that one is trying to
initiate at the start of the ride, but rather one that one strives to keep
going throughout the ride.>
But the intake during the ride doesn't, itself, become avaialble, does it?
<< I'll see if I can find anything on fluid shifts and carbs. Let me know if
you do. Where is the fluid going? to the muscles? if so, it's right back into
circulation as soon as the fuel its coupled with is burned.>>
Susan G provided me with some good references about amounts and directions of
fluid shifts when I was asked to write an article about roughage use for
Equine Athlete. I had the concept, but not being an academic, didn't have
references at my fingertips. Some of the stuff that was reported was pretty
amazing as to the quantities of fluid that are pulled into the gut. I gather
that the references are quite plentiful and easy to find. Unfortunately I am
swamped in paperwork tonight--no time to dig through the mess on my table to
give you names to aim you in the right direction. Maybe you could ask Susan.
Could be wrong, but seems like Hintz et al reported some of the work. As I
mentioned, though, I don't know what would happen with smaller
doses--certainly smaller effects. I also think your comment about giving
carbs AFTER the horse has already eaten (as you mentioned) is EXTREMELY
important. Perhaps problems would be avoided if folks using carbs understand
that the increased blood glucose can supress appetite and likely shouldn't be
used (at least not if one is to continue to stress the horse) until the horse
has already eaten his regular food....>
Temporarily suppress appetite--just like that Chinese dinner somebody referred
to--an hour later you're hungry again.
Heidi >>
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