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I am writing to ask everyone to show their support for this particular
cause. I have just watched a show called A Current Affair. During this
show they had a story about a town in Western Australia whose council took
care of the stray dogs and cats.
What the horrible thing is about the whole story is they have the dogs and
cats together in cages. Originally they were on dirt floors with no shade.
The council has now put down cement floors and put shade cloth over the
kennels. Only since this Current Affairs program has approached them.
The most gut wrenching part of the story was how they put the animals down.
They have this little box that they back a car up to,put the car's exhaust
onto it and gas the animal. You should see the inside of this box, all of
the scratches on the walls of frantic animals trying to escape. One of the
guys defended it saying that if it was done properly, by filling the box up
with fumes first then put the animal in, it was humane. This man was a
representative of the R.S.P.C.A., who has now been sacked.
The Veterinarians have a scheme that they put down the animals with
injection for a fraction of the cost. This council has rejected this idea.
they have also been given six improvement notices that have been ignored.
From what I gather they are a council so this protects them in the council
bi-laws from being sued. There is a huge movement to stop them.
I ask of you as animal lovers and owners, to open your heart and help stop
this blatant abuse of authority. You can help by e-mailing A Current Affair
at aca.feedback@ninemsn.com.au and showing your disgust at this practice. I
thank you very much in advance for all that do. If you are on any other
list and you don't happen to see this e-mail please forward it so we can
flood A Current Affair with our letters of disgust, they will then pass them
onto the appropriate authority.
Donna Paton
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