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Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act

Remember how Connie Berto alerted us to a "call to action" in the
National Parks and Conservation Association's magazine that recommended
getting rid of the riding stables at parks in Marin County?  Remember
how we found out that this NPCA organization has 500,000 members and
is very active lobbying for various environmental bills, some to
our good, and some not.  And remember that they have an e-mailing
list that you can subscribe to as a "Park Watcher" that sends out
alerts and calls-to-action?

Well, I subscribed to list and this call-to-action to support a bill
titled the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act just came through.
I have no idea whether this sums to a "good thing" or a "bad thing" but
it's out there and in play.

Linda B. Merims

------------Text of NPCA Call-to-Action Follows----------------

Subject:  SUPPORT NREPA IN THE 106TH CONGRESS!! (, 02/16/99 09:10)
CC: bobclark@wildrockies

February 1999


Greetings ParkWatchers!!!  It's time to take some action!
On February 2nd, representatives Christopher Shays (R-CT) and Carolyn
Maloney (D-NY) introduced the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act,
H.R. 488 (NREPA).

This sweeping legislation would extend official protection to more than
20 million acres of federal public lands in the US Northern Rockies in
parts of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, and Washington.  The bill
would also designate over 1,800 miles of new Wild and Scenic Rivers in
the region. The wild Northern Rockies is home to populations of grizzly
bear, wolf, woodland caribou, bull trout, cutthroat, and numerous other
threatened and endangered species.

Please write your congressional representative and urge him
or her to endorse HR 488, NREPA. Also, ask your representative to
request congressional hearings on NREPA.

Encourage your friends and relatives to take a few moments to
write a letter to their representative:

Honorable Representative ________________________
US House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

*NREPA is bi-partisan, ecosystem-based legislation that would protect more
than 20 million acres of federal public lands - home to grizzly bears, elk,
caribou, wolves, bison, bull trout salmon.

*NREPA will save taxpayers at least $100 million over the first ten years
by prohibiting deficit roadbuilding and timber sales in roadless areas.

*NREPA is supported by a diverse array of more than 1,000 businesses and
organizations including: Republicans for Environmental Protection (REP
America), National Audubon Society, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, leading
wildlife scientists and economists, and thousands of individuals.

*NREPA will create over 2,300 high-paying  jobs restoring wildlands.
Website to find out who your representative is:
Punch in your zip code and your representative's name will appear.  You
can write an email directly to your representative from this site.

NREPA website:
For NREPA letter writing information please tap into this site.  The
list of sponsors and text of the bill can be found at this site.
**Please send copies of your letters to Stephany, NPCA Grassroots Coordinator at -- thanks for EVERYTHING you do!!!

For more information on how you can get involved with this exciting
campaign contact Alliance for the Wild Rockies' outreach director, Bob
Clark: or call 406-721-5420

CONTACT: Bob Clark, Alliance for the Wild Rockies outreach director, PO
Box 8731, Missoula, MT 59807 E-mail: bobclark@wildrockies, Phone:
406-721-5420  NREPA website:
Alliance for the Wild Rockies
P.O. Box 8731
Missoula, MT 59807
406-721-9917 (fax)

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