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Hoof Abcess--HELP

Anyone have any ideas what to do about a hoof abcess which has been going on
for over two months and still has not healed?  Sun is an almost 22 year old
Arab gelding, the abcess was dug out in early November after it broke
through his heel (it is located medial to the frog, in the cleft, of his
front foot) and healed back over before it had completely drained.  He was
originally given oral antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) for
about a month.  Then he was given 6 doses of gentocin.  The abcess has been
dug out three times, the last time last Tuesday.  He's still miserable and,
although he has grown a lot of foot, his foot is very bruised and it isn't

I would do anything to save this horse.


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