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Re: RC: RC: Carbo Charge on the Fly
>How far, how many "heats"?
Not so much "heats" as "peak heartrates". The first mile we are able to
maintain any pace, I usually start at a trot, then after maintaining that
for awhile (I figure we build from around 155 to 165...quit using the HRM
years ago), then for the last 200 yards or so we sprint. That hits over
180...then I have to walk on about 200 yards of pavement, after that we
turn onto trail which is straight up the side, so any trotting at all
quickly hits 165-180 (the point where he asks to walk) that goes for
about another mile, he trots a few yards, then walks. When I used a HRM
I saw that he will trot until he hits 180, then drop to a walk until it's
165, then try to trot again. When I get on top I walk 1/2 mile of large
gravel, then come out on a wide grassy shoulder...we trot the downhill,
canter the flat (1/2 mile or so) then hit a LONG hill...over 1/2 mile and
he runs wide open up it. It's long, steep, and the footing is good...he
knows this is where we run and he puts a lot into it. (There's a guy who
races TB's on those 4 mile races with jumps who hauls over just to work
this hill, but doesn't do the mountain first).
All in all the ride is about 13 miles. The climb up, and the big hill
(going both ways) are where we reach peak heart rates. There's plenty of
steady trotting thrown in between. What I don't like is that the
shoulder, though very wide and groomed is definately sloped away from the
road. There's probably 6" of level right by the pavement and he can hit
that better at a canter than at a trot, so I do more cantering on this
ride (fortunately, it's wider where we're really hauling. I usually walk
down the mountain on foot tossing bits of broken glass, etc. off my
This is my "fast intense" course. When I'm building up to a competition
level, I'll do it once or twice a week. The Saturday ride will be a
slower 21 miles, but none of the anaerobic work.
Once the rides start, I pretty much stop all this and just do easy rides
to keep him loose between competitions.
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