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just for all of you non-europeans Ilike to tell you that two major
hurricanes over France caused serious damage there. As the news are saying
2/3 (!!!) of the country is declared as disaster area by the government.
Some million people are without electricity for several days now. Even
here in Germany branches of the hurricanes caused some damage in the south.
Let's hope that all our friends and fellow ridecampers are ok. It is very
unsual for Europe that a hurricane like those occurs and that it is as
strong as those were. Let's even hope that this is not disturbing the preparations
for next years WEC in France.
All I can say is "good luck" to all the people in France and hopefully
we can read some news from our friends at ridecamp soon.
Ah, btw, it's not only the hurricane desaster, but also another
nature catastrophe on the westcoast of France where a tanker broke and
lot of oil is polluting the beach.
Poor France.
Nevertheless I wish you all the best for 2000.
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