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Re: RC: Re: Tendon Strain Tear Tx

I believe the drug you are talking about is Bapten. I doubt there is a 
topical ointment. 
My understanding is that it works by restricting collagen crosslinks from 
forming, thereby reducing "scar" tissue which is weaker than normal tissue. 
I used the Lubecki method with my horse that bowed a tendon, I got the info. 
from Tom Ivers. They only problem I had with it is that this tendon "feels" 
stronger than the non injured one. I also think there are some better ways to 
breakup the cross linkages than the one's Dr. Lubecki suggests.
There is a lot of research into bowed tendons in human athletes that is very 
applicable to the equine. One such study analyzed the negative effects of 
Histamine blockers in the repair of soft tissue injuries (most 
antiinflammatories are histamine blockers, such as bute) since Histamine F is 
reguired to facilitate repair.
(Recently there was an article in "The Horse" on research into the effects of 
Bute on arthritic joints). 

jim pascucci
Advanced Certified Rolfer

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