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Trade show donation

When you ask for a donation it is a request when you demand a mandatory donation it is a fee.  Lets not stop the local people and the curious from popping in to the trade show to see what is happening.  Sometimes it is a friendly hello what gets your most  in the end. 
I would be irate to be charged to spend my money.  I don't care what the cause was.  I refuse to go to stores and craft shows that charge me to shop.  I would work my duff off if asked to pitch in and help.
The vendors at the convention work hard to make a profit.  It is their livelihood Everyone who walks in is a potential buyer.  To turn away one person would hurt all. 
The trails committee is very important and there is a great need for money,  I was at the convention last year when a wonderful guy started passing the hat around for trails money.  The response was  unbelievable.  The idea of having donation boxes at the trade show is a good one.  But lets not have to have someone stationed at the door to check the people running in for badges and issuing fees to the others  It would not make friends or new members,.  Pat Oliva

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