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Re: RC: RE: RE: $5.00 Donation
- To: ridecamp@endurance.net
- Subject: Re: RC: RE: RE: $5.00 Donation
- From: jlong@mti.net (Joe Long)
- Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 23:27:59 GMT
- In-Reply-To: <0.107b2924.258dd0b4@aol.com>
- Organization: MTI Internet Services
- References: <0.107b2924.258dd0b4@aol.com>
- Reply-To: jlong@mti.net
On Sun, 19 Dec 1999 01:09:56 EST, BMcCrary27@aol.com wrote:
>Does it strike anyone else as ludicrous that so many people who are cutting
>AERC and the BOD to shreds always say something like the above? "Please
>don't misunderstand me, I love AERC, but the exec. director is a jerk, the
>staff is cheating and stealing money, and the BOD are a bunch of idiots who
>pass motions without any effort or aforethought, etc., etc." ad infinitum and
>ad nauseum. It's hysterical. All you have to do is go back over the several
>complaints about the trade show fee and see how many have followed up with
>the statement similar to the one Joe made above. The only truly considerate
>post was from Roger, who was equally firm about his feelings but was much
>more gracious in the way he expressed himself.
I'm truly sorry you feel that way, Barbara. It's sad that so many
people equate criticism with disparagement. If a good friend of mine,
someone I admire and respect, is wrong about some issue I will say so,
and think none the less of them personally for it. I would like to be
accorded the same.
I made mistakes when I was on the Board. I fought for some issues
that turned out to be mistaken. That's only human. It is important
to keep an open mind, and be willing to admit that we make mistakes
... and most important of all be willing to correct them.
During my time on the Board, we got in hot water several times for
making rule changes without consulting the membership first ... and
then rescinding them after a strong reaction from the members. To
avoid this, we adopted a wise policy of never making any rule changes
until the members had been notified of the proposed change and given
time to respond. That worked well, and I don't believe we've had to
rescind a rule change since. I believe using the same policy for fee
changes would help the same way.
In the case of this trade-show entry fee, someone made the excellent
suggestion that imlementing it be put on hold for this year's
convention, allowing the Board time for full reconsideration of the
issue, taking into account member feedback. I enthusiastically second
that motion.
Joe Long
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