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Re: carbo charge

<< Since then I've been told for endurance it's 
 best to use only after 2 hours into the race, but they won't eat it in their 
 grain, and I agree with Steph--it's a nightmare to feed by syringe!  
 Otherwise I would try it again  . . . . >>

I used Carbo-charge all season on my mare.  The only problem I seemed to have 
was if I was late in giving a dose, then we did go through a lag, but never a 
stop.  It had to learn the timing of it.  I generally figure out how many 
doses I'm going to need before, during and after a race, then I mix it all 
ahead of time in a big tub with my mixer.  you have to be cafeful about 
adding the powder too quickly to the amount of water.  I also found that warm 
water helped (not hot).  Then you need to make sure it is warm enough not to 
set up.  Drin and I accidentally stuck it in the cooler at one 
ride...CONCRETE, but once it warmed up it was back to its liquid state.  I 
then just draw up my dosing syringe out of the well stirred tub.  I also 
carry a dose with me in a leak-proof container incase I'm over my time span 
between vet checks.  Dyskrete loves it.  

Anne and the horses in Montana
Dyskrete, Stuffy, Hadia, & Tifla

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