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Re: RC: Vets list

In a message dated 12/13/1999 8:38:18 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< << I would like to see AERC and or provide a listing of vets,
  their phone numbers or emails and location....that are willing to work
  endurance rides. This would allow ride managers and potential ride
  managers with a directory to contact vets willing to work rides.
  They could be contacted prior to listing to make sure that they would
  want to be on the list, but this is a simple service that AERC could
  provide and I am sure that many many ride managers would supply a
  preliminary list to AERC..... >>
 I thought AERC already maintained such a list??  What happened to it?  Every 
 ride turns in a list of the vets who vetted that ride along with the ride 
 results, so that there is a source of currently working vets...

Answer to Steve Shaw:  Since any vet working an AERC ride must be an AERC 
member, such a list of vets DOES exist.  The problem that has arisen is ... 
many vets have done this for so long, and are in such demand from the 
increasing number of rides (at least here in the west) that they are over 
extended, or they are beginning to want to try riding themselves.  One of our 
favorite and longest-standing vets told me he was already booked for 15 rides 
last year and if he had agreed to do ours, he would have been vetting three 
rides on three successive weekends.  He said he had a family who would enjoy 
seeing something of him now and then.

Answer to Heidi: You are absolutely right.  AERC does have a list of working 
vets, maybe not advertised to the world, but any ride manager can access a 
list of vet members if he/she calls AERC and asks.  Every current ride 
manager submits a list of all the vets who worked his/her ride along with the 
ride results, fees, etc.


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