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losing trails in E TN

For those of us in the Knoxville TN area, please pay attention.  One of the
frequent training areas, Bakers Creek on Tellico Lake, is in jeopardy.  A
developer is attempting to purchase the public land from TVA.  We need a
strong showing from all outdoor activists -- equestrians, hunters, mountain
bikers, etc.

>Last week TVA and private developers
>held a scoping meeting for the
>development of an Environmental Impact
>Statement (EIS) on the proposal to sale
>over 850 acres of land along the shores
>of the Little Tennessee River (Tellico
>Lake) for private development. Hundreds
>of people turned out, but only TVA and
>the developers were allowed to speak.
>The history and environmental damage to
>this river is a real tragedy,
>unfortunately this proposal appears to
>follow in that tradition.
>TVERC in conjunction with Global
>Sustainabilitiy's East Tennessee
>Headwaters Project and concerned
>citizens around Tellico Lake has
>organized a follow-up meeting for the
>interested public. This real public
>meeting is to provide concern citizens
>the tools and information they need to
>stop this unwanted development, to
>provide people the opportunity to share
>concerns and ideas and get organized.
>This meeting is planned for Thursday
>night February 11th at the Lenior City
>High School at 7:00 PM
>Please plan to attend and spread this
>notice far and wide.
>For more info contact TVERC at
>423-637-6055 or e-mail
>                 The Foundation for Global Sustainability
>        10 years of committment to environmental action and advocacy!
>                        P.O. Box 1101
>                        Knoxville, TN  37901-1101
>                        Tel: (423)-524-4771
>                        Fax: (423)-524-4479
>        Check out for hot news and information on
>        environmental topics around Tennessee!

Vicki Wheeler
Knoxville, TN

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