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Re: Horse is a poor downhill walker
In a message dated 2/5/99 6:41:42 PM EST, helgeson@lansford.ndak.net writes:
<< just needed more hill work or if this is the wrong way to go. We do not
have chiropractors or massage therapist here so they are not an option.
Lynette >>
Having the horse looked at by a chiropractor or acupuncturist would be a good
idea, then if nothing appears to be mis-aligned or hurting you can concentrate
on training. I feel that a horse needs to be trained to walk downhill. Loose
horses will normally trot or canter down the hills in their pasture, so this
tells me that this is what they want to do. I start my horses on every little
downward slope I can find. Taking it real easy and slow with even small dips.
Not only does this build rearend strength, it develops the coordination it
takes to walk down steep slopes. I also use a voice command each time we go
downhill or over tricky ground. the voice cue means: "slow down, watch your
feet, take your time". Also, you should not put your feet out in front of you
while the horse goes down the hill. You should sit deeply, lean back some for
balance, but keep your legs on the horse. This encourages them to reach under
themselves better. With practise, all the horses I've had will eventually do
downhills very well. It can take a year or more to teach depending on how
many hills you have available in your normal riding. Just take your time and
don't rush to the big hills too soon. Begin with every little slope you
encounter, even ditches.
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