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Re: Bridles
S. Brown wrote:
> >The question was NOT about how to put on a halter/bridle, with bit hangers
> >and bit attached. The question was about how best to reattach the bit
> >hangers and bit after removing them.
We are using an unjointed Uxeter Kimberwicke on Major, my husband's
horse. Mike balances the bit between the index and small fingers of his
left hand. He uses his thumb on that hand to ask the horse to open his
mouth. His right arm is under the horse's neck and right hand on the
poll. As the horse opens his mouth, he slips the bit in.
Once it is in his mouth, Major picks up the bit wih his tongue and holds
it in his mouth. Mike snaps the bit hangers into place. No fuss, no
muss. I suspect that this would be a little more difficult with a
jointed bit, but certainly possible if you were dexterous.
BTW, this horse is trained to drop his head for bitting, grooming, etc.
to a clucking noise. VERY convenient!
Linda Flemmer
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