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Re: NATRC shoeing rules

C.M.Newell wrote:
> >... Generally these rides are not held
> >in areas that are nothing but rocks. Generally there are areas to go
> >slow/careful and areas to make time.
>         Guess that leaves out most of New England...<G>
>                         --CMNewell

Yup.  'cept maybe Myles Standish State Forest.  Myles Standish straddles
the Plymouth/Carver border down in cranberry country, which is really the
beginning of that big sandbar sometimes known as Cape Cod.  Oddly, there
don't seem to be any ECTRA or NATRC or AERC rides at Myles Standish, despite
its miles and miles of trails over unusually good footing for New England,
only a lot of local club fun rides and informal judged pleasure rides.
You could do a 100 there and scarcely a loop.

Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA

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