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Re: NATRC shoeing rules
Yes, I can accept change!
but remember the original founders of NATRC designated that horses in
competition should compete as naturally as possible.
The purpose was to develop a better breed of horse and condition that
animal to the optimum fitness level. The participation in these events
would a partnership between you and the horse that would win for both horse
and horsemanship.
Once you pad a horses foot you have a different goal- because you are
acknowledging something is wrong with the foot.
However, I have horses that I love, and with the help of pads I probably
could compete. Since I won't because I am of the old thinking, I take only
the horses that can do it with normal shoeing.
I guess it is because George Cardinet, founder of NARTC is hanging around
the office (at 90 years old this year) telling me why the rules were made
in the first place.
At 05:42 PM 1/30/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Yes, on NATRC rides now you can use any kind of shoes, Easyboots, pads,
>anything but leg wraps....what a wonderful change!
>Betty in Colorado
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