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Re: shagyas 101 - purebreds?
Hi Toni! I guess I am the only one who has a problem with the notion
of Shagya as purebred Arabian - maybe I'm just an overly picky person?
It just isn't logical for me that Shagya people claim that Shagyas are
purebred Arabians at the same time they claim them to be purebred
Shagyas with acknowledged warmblood & TB blood?
The Arabian Horse Registry of America (AHRA) makes the rules in the US
about what a purebred Arabian is. IAHA is the registry for part-bred
Arabians - horses that cannot be registered as purebred Arabians but
have at least one registered (AHRA) Arabian parent. So actually, unless
an individual Shagya has at least one registered purebred Arabian
parent, it can't even be registered with IAHA. AHRA says, "The rules
for registrations, simply put, require a horse to be of pure Arabian
blood as verified by its pedigree. The sire and dam must be registered
with the Registry (or in the case of an imported horse, with a foreign
registry approved by the Registry). No horse can ever be "bred up" to
purebred status; only offspring of registered purebred Arabians are
eligible for registration with the Registry." I think the last part -
no horse can ever be bred up to purebred status - says it all -
.9999999% is not the same as 100%, ever. To acknowledge the warmblood &
TB ancestry of the Shagya is to acknowledge that the breed is not the
same as 100% Arabian, right? (I'm sure you're aware the AHRA withdrew
from WAHO because WAHO has less stringent rules about what it means to
be a purebred Arabian.)
If I was a Shagya owner, I wouldn't want to claim my breed was really
another breed. So I guess it boils down to why some Shagya people do
just that. I mean, what's the point? Lif
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