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Re: ridecamp-d Digest V99 #1341
In a message dated 11/10/1999 10:32:44 PM Pacific Standard Time,
ridecamp-d-request@endurance.net writes:
<< You WASH lead ropes? And put them in the DRYER? I can't even find time to
wash my laundry. Please allow me to suggest this time-saving alternative:
Hang halter and lead rope outdoors, wait for rain to wash, sun to dry. If
freezing weather is an issue wait until spring. >>
I wash my cotton lead ropes. When you think of all the muck they go through,
and then you are going to handle them with bare hands..... Please don't think
I'm a weeny about dirt, but years ago my next door neighbor (who bred QH's)
had a yearling rip a LEATHER lead strap through her hand, giving her a "rope
burn" of sorts..some ..not a lot..of the skin in the palm of her hand was
broken and weepy. She thought nothing of it....and two weeks later was in the
hospital, having it operated on, and she damn near lost her arm to the elbow.
To this day she has only limited use of her fingers.
Hand infections are not to be ignored, and can be impossible to heal. She had
aPsuedomonos infection..this bacteria is EXTREMELY common in the dirt, on
animals, in stalls, you name it. It's everywhere. Once it gets established in
the human blood stream, very ugly things happen.
That's why I wash my lead ropes, and I wear gloves when handling horses.
Michelle and Jordan (mom, you look like you have Mickey Mouse hands)
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