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Horses and deer

(Still catching up on digests...)
Still amazes me to remember back to last spring when I was trying to do a
little clean up in my horse's quarter acre "mudlot".  It has the foundation of
an old barn buried deep in it, just visible in places.  I came over one of
these "humps" and there was a tiny fawn bedded down, couldn't have been more
than a week old, not two hundred feet from our barn/garage/yard.  My husband
the (mighty, he thinks) hunter theorized that the mother had him there because
the coyotes that live here may be slightly scared off by the presence of the
horse, goat, etc.  At any rate, my "city horse" isn't very scared of deer!
Terri Radandt 
Daggett, MI (the beautiful, deer-filled U.P.)

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