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Re: RE: Re: RE: Different milage buckets - end of topic

Oh Bob,  I so enjoy not being the only one with burned  eyebrows.  Thank you
for your views.  I am from the same school as you.  I also totally agree
with your point of view on schools.     gesa n clovis
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Morris <>
To: navion <>; David LeBlanc <>
Cc: <>
Date: Saturday, November 06, 1999 8:48 PM
Subject: RC: RE: Re: RE: Different milage buckets - end of topic

>Welllll! Here I go again to set the scene for a real flaming that will no
>doubt become a real life cremation!
>The American Dream is to denigrate and to dilute every thing they set their
>hands on to the base of mediocrity. We at one time expected to educate our
>children to the best of their ability. I now see our schools being dumbed
>down to the lowest common denominator.
>I see the expectation that many people want to do the same with endurance
>riding. In the beginning, and this is supported by the original By-laws,
>definition of endurance was set at 50 miles or more. This was not done on
>the spur of the moment. The capability of doing 100 miles in one day was a
>goal that was really up in the then known limits. 50 miles in 12 hours was
>an attainable goal for some persons, but not all persons, at the time it
>established as the lower limit for distance to count. It was considered a
>goal that could be attained with a lot of hard work and a modicum of luck!
>Now, with the improvements in conditioning, training, nutrition, saddles
>tack, shoeing and the use of extensive crews, not to mention the easier
>trails being laid out, 50 miles is quite easily attainable by the rankest
>So what do some persons desire, make it easier to become an endurance rider
>and lower the statutory basement to 25 miles. I call this DUMBING DOWN.
>Now realize, I am riding a lot of LD these days for many reasons. Among
>are young, just beginning horses and old, getting worn out body. (been off
>to many of those young horses too). I AM NOT DOING ENDURANCE RIDES WHEN I
>RIDE LD!  But I have just as much fun, train just as hard, drive as many
>miles to rides and do not bitch about not getting my miles recorded as
>endurance miles. I am afraid that egos are at the bottom of this entire
>Bob Morris
>Morris Endurance Enterprises
>Boise, ID
>-----Original Message-----
>From: navion []
>Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 8:55 PM
>To: David LeBlanc
>Subject: RC:  Re: RE: Different milage buckets - end of topic
>>Since this is obviously a divisive topic, I've responded to Cindy
>> Don't want to engage in flame-wars here, and I don't see much room for
>>productive discussion.  I see things one way, and others obviously don't.
>   Hi David,
>  I don't usually respond to posts but I guess tonight I have the time.
>This LD question has been hotly debated on ridecamp for years. It also
>up at AERC meetings.   I am a 5 year member with 3000 miles now. I still do
>an occasional LD as well as mostly 50's and a few 100's.
>   I see a real split occuring here in Calif with LD rides.  I was taught
>they are for training and fun and not a race. But in S. Calif the ride
>managers are calling them a race openly and giving out placements and
>awards. They are encouraging racing and saying it is the way of the future
>for many riders. Then I travel up north and those rides are refusing to
>announce placements and loudly speaking out against any racing at that
>  I know this may not sound the same as your mileage bucket theory but it
>quite similar.  The underlying question is "Should LD rides be a shorter
>version of endurance rides with the same values."   A good comparison is
>50 to 100 debate.  If 100's are true endurance rides then what is a 50.
>Should 50's get credit?  Why do they lump 50 mileage with 100 mileage.
>Since they do this why shouldn't they lump 25 mileage with 50 mileage??
>Again it is all by definition of the sport by our elected leaders.
>    I don't have the answer to this and I haven't even formed my decision.
>Originally I was in the 50 miles minimum camp. But maybe that is an ego
>thing.  Now I can see Donna SS's point about the growth of the sport and
>way it is going.   Randy E's vision coming true.
>   But as a side note: I now feel that 25 is not much of an endurance test
>for most horses, not belittling LD rides which are a lot of fun, but a fact
>with the horses I have worked with. I can see that 50 is near the minimum
>level to be a real test and can see the point of the original founders 27
>years ago that thought only 100's should be called endurance. A real test
>but within the abilty of a  trained horse.  And that is why most of us
>this sport, for the challenge?
>Just some thoughts, no answers.  Maybe it isn't important, I had a great 16
>mile training ride today over beautiful country, it was fun. That is what
>is all about.
>Jim Mitchell
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