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Re: RC: snakes!!
I hate snakes. Only good snake is a dead one. Worst thing here in FL is
moccasins. Atleast a rattler makes some noise before it gets ya. Damn
moccasins don't rattle and, from what I hear, are even more deadly in the
venom department.
My horse was grazing the other day alongside a water hole, taking a break
from our long ride. I looked down to see him about ready to take a bite out
of some grass just above a water mocc who was waiting for him. I pulled back
on the reins and got our butts out of there quicker than a redneck running
from a Jessie Jackson convention.
I really believe most horses don't see them. Snakes usually freeze up and
play dead. lack of motion protects them. Otherwise they slither away if
they sense you coming. Vibrations scare snakes off. Another reason I like to
make a lot of noise. Wanna hear me sing? It's a horrible, scarey sound that
might even get Angie to relocate her camping spot, if she were in earshot.
If this kind of noise affects her, it will definitely get rid of the snakes.
There is no training for snakes. Only training is for you, the rider, to
keep your eye out. don't count on your horse. And I really think there's a
good reason for the horse to spook from them, if they do see them. Don't
train your horse not to do this (I really doubt that you could if you wanted
to). Would you train him to go up to a bear or a cougar?
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