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Re: Re: Measuring Horses -- my real motive!
Been there! I HATE that, especially after driving some distance. Seems
like even though I say did you measure the horse or are you estimating? It
really doesn't matter I still get horses that are smaller than their
advertised height. Pet peeve I guess. Funny thing is it seems to be a
peeve of many, several people who have looked at horses I have had for sale
seemed amazed that the horse was actually the size I advertised <LOL>.
Good luck in your search,
-----Original Message-----
From: Brehm <RockingB@worldnet.att.net>
To: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Date: Sunday, November 07, 1999 5:21 PM
Subject: RC: Re: Measuring Horses -- my real motive!
>First let me thank everyone who has responded to my hastily
>sent question. Thank you thank you!!
>I have to admit that when I wrote Friday with the question
>about measuring horses, I was steaming! I drove an hour to
>see a supposed 15.2 hand Arab mare (I thought she would
>actually be 15 hands). When she stepped out of the stall I
>immediately saw that she was perhaps 14.2. Now I'm not
>determined to buy a horse of a particular height, but at
>5'7" (32" inseam) and a definite heavyweight, I am not
>really comfortable on a horse under 15 hands. I'm trying to
>find one that's between 15 and 15.2, with a lot of
>substance. Not only was this mare short but she was also
>somewhat refined -- and I had told the seller on the phone
>*exactly* how big I am. On my drive home I got in a 30
>minute traffic jam so by the time I posted to ridecamp my
>blood pressure was probably off the chart! The question I
>really should of asked was:
>If you are selling a horse and it's actually a full hand (or
>more) shorter than you advertise, can I hit you over the
>head with the measuring stick???!!!!!!!!! :)
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>Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/RideCamp
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