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Re: RC: Re: Measuring Horses -- my real motive!
Truman - If I was a betting person I'd have won money on people who
swore our stallion, Ben Nasrif, was at least 15 hands. He's not, he's
14.3. However, Nas has low withers. His back is that of a 15 hand
horse, possibly slightly taller. So if I was selling him (which we
never would!), I'd have to advertise a 14.3 hand horse that for all
practical purposes (getting on & riding!) would be not as advertised.
What's a person to do? (Don't answer - I explain to people before they
show up!). Lif
Lif & Paul Strand STRAND ENTERPRISES http://www.fasterhorses.com
Arabian Horses for Distance Riding
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