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RE: Different milage buckets - end of topic
At 01:47 PM 11/07/1999 -0500, CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 11/7/99 10:41:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,
>sbrown@wamedes.com writes:
><< This is
> the attraction of the schooling shows! They don't count towards anything
> except experience...a "getting ready" to ride, often the EXACT same test,
> in a sanctioned show. >>
>Always thought that was the "attraction" of an LD, too--you don't have to
>admit that you came out, entered, and DIDN'T do 50!! <g>
>Seriously, I like the analogy of "getting ready" to ride. You came, you
>25, and it is good practice toward being able to do an endurance ride. More
>power to you, and thank goodness the learning opportunity is there.
This is all very true with one exception. In the dressage schooling shows,
they are not, in any way, connected with the USDF...not at the same time,
on the same grounds, and so on. Nothing goes on record in the organization
including anyone's name or their score. They are a less pressure practice
type of situation...and when you feel ready, you can enter a sanctioned
show and ride the EXACT SAME test you did at the schooling show and your
score will then count. It doesn't, in any way, prepare you to do a higher
level test. That part is done at home with lots and lots of riding...the
same as in distance riding.
Also, with dressage shows, riding a Training Level test is considered
respectable. There are many times in my past where I've said that I rode
mainly dressage, schooled (rode at home or in lessons) at higher levels but
didn't compete beyond Training Level because I didn't like showing. I
never gave anyone any reason to think I *competed* at 4th level or so, but
I was still considered a dressage rider...despite the fact that almost all
of my ride time was at home. (As far as dressage is concerned, I love the
riding and training, but not the competing.) I was never made to feel
that, by attending a schooling show, I was trying to hide and not admit
that I was performing as less of a rider. I could use the schooling shows
to test my readiness (or the horse's)...and, since the schooling show
wasn't anywhere near the sanctioned show, no one would see me -- a good
thing if I really screwed up, but also very few would see me or my horse if
we did a fabulous job either.
This is why I think the whole group of riders under the AERC umbrella
should be classified as Distance Riders (make it a "Distance Riding"
organization with subdivision of Endurance and LD within the
organization)...and make the LD riders feel like a real part of the
organization, proud to be a "Distance Rider" and hopefully to be in the
"Endurance" division some day) -- and not make the LD riders feel as if
they should be embarrassed by riding a shorter distance and are sort of the
"step-sister" part of the organization. They are still legitimately a
distance rider (god knows I've put on enough miles and consecutive hours to
qualify for that -- just not in competition)...not an endurance level
competitor yet, but it's similar to being Training Level...not an upper
level competitor yet and not trying to pretend to be one, but respectably
taking the first steps. I'd hate to think what would happen to the
dressage community if you weren't considered part of the group until you
competed at Third or Fourth level...the *real* dressage riding level! ;-)
I will admit, after reading all of the posts on this subject, that I'm very
anxious to get out of the LD category. It gets very little respect from
the *real* distance riders, the endurance riders! (And I REALLY hate not
being respected!! ;-)) It's looked on as a distance that anybody on any
old plug pulled out of the pasture should be able to do with hardly
breaking a sweat...it's not *real* distance! And, to make matters worse,
you have to do it in front of all of those real distance (endurance)
riders!! <blush>
All of this is JMVHO, of course. ;-) I'll keep riding no matter how
anything is set up. I never got into this in the first place to win
anything...just wanted to learn as much as possible and ride long rides. ;-)
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
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