The mental aspect of 50s and 100s
In a message dated 11/2/99 8:43:41 AM Pacific Standard Time, Rarephorm writes:
<< if I could complete just one 25 I had conquered the world and now I am
thinking about 50's...hmmm, what IS it about this sport?
Yup and after you do your first 50 you'll start contemplating that 100 miler
(this is a degenerative disease :) As far as riding a 50, for me I just plan
on getting to the next vet check -- kind of breaks the ride up. Same theory
works (even better) on 100s. Somebody else on ridecamp also said that you
ride your horse on THAT particular day, at the level he's capable of THAT
day. Then its pretty hard to get into trouble. I've found that I actually
prefer riding by myself (except I get lonely and end up having deep
conversations with my horse) because then you can do exactly what your horse
needs and not be influenced by how somebody else wants to ride. Harca is so
susceptible to peer pressure that if we're with another horse, he'll do
whatever that other horse is doing and not necessarily take the best care of
himself. Alone -- no problem. Good luck with your first 50 (and 100 :))
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