Re: Uh-Oh! The LD thing again
And THAT is the heavy responsibility we all bear as riders--to second guess
the vets to the BENEFIT of our horses. Very scary for newbies, I can tell
N. Ca
----- Original Message -----
From: Teddy Lancaster <Teddy@runningbear.com>
To: GESA BRINKS <gesaeqfx@pe.net>
Cc: <ridecamp@endurance.net>; C.M.Newell <reshan@deyr.ultranet.com>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 1999 12:50 AM
Subject: RC: Uh-Oh! The LD thing again
> A horse CAN get almost all "A's" and STILL be dead tired...just not
> metabolic or other trouble at the time of presentation.
> Teddy
> GESA BRINKS wrote:
> > I totally agree with CM Newell, DVM. (got a shorter name?) The vets are
> > there to take care of our horses/mules. I would prefer to see them a
> > tougher than too easy. Especially on the LDrs. They are for the most
> > inexperienced and have a tendency to get top ten fever. (more so than
> > fifties) (Howard) I saw some "easy" vets at the last ride I rode (dont
> > wanna say which ride) . I also saw quite a few horses on IVs. I passed
> > rider whose horse looked terrible. Its head was down to its knees, it
had a
> > sullen look in his eyes and was barely walking. I knew the rider, and
> > was fairly new and told her to dismount and loosen her girth and lead
him to
> > the vet stop. She came in about 15 minutes behind me. I was getting
> > to leave when she finished vetting. She told me that her horse got
> > all A's. I about fell off of the bucket I was sitting on. I said,
> > trust those scores too much. He is exhausted and still looks like hell
> > me." I got a funny look from her as she led her horse away. She moved
> > more than ten feet from me when her horse went down. He spent the night
> > IV.
> > As I rode out of the vet stop I wondered what the vet had been smoking
> > drinking. (a mean thing to say but that horse looked terrible) "Fit to
> > continue" means just that. If the girls horse actually was grade 3
> > she shouldnt have gotten a completion. There was more than one vet
there Im
> > sure, and she could have gotten a second opinion. If the second vet
said 3,
> > then that should have been final.
> > The rules arent there to tick us off, they are there to take care of our
> > equine partners when we get brain fade. gesa n clovis
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: C.M.Newell <reshan@deyr.ultranet.com>
> > To: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> > Date: Sunday, October 31, 1999 4:25 PM
> > Subject: RC: Uh-Oh! The LD thing again
> >
> > >At 01:21 AM 10/31/99 EDT, you wrote:
> > >>In a message dated 10/30/99 3:32:49 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> > >>Howard4567@aol.com writes:
> > >>
> > >><< What has happened here today? Is it just me? Does the guy have
> > >kids?
> > >> I
> > >> mean I'm talking about a 25 mile limited distance completion for a
> > year
> > >> old girl. Her horse is done anyhow, not going out on the trail
> > >> again........I just don't get it.
> > >> >>
> > >>
> > >>Howard! I loved your story. BUT.....the vets are there to protect
> > >>horses. Not just give a completion to a cute kid.
> > >
> > > I have to agree, here. Lame is lame. Poor metabolics are poor
> > >What kind of message is it sending to give a completion? The horse
> > >meets the criteria or it doesn't. To give out an unwarranted completion
> > >cheapens the award, and I know kids who would be downright mad to be
> > >thought to be "lesser" competitors than the adults.
> > > It's tough. But so is life. &*$# happens.
> > > --CMNewell, DVM
> > >
> > >
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> >
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> --
> Teddy Lancaster
> AERC# 139422 - Member since 1974
> 6000+ career miles
> Running Bear Farm, Inc.
> Your Trail Riding Equipment Headquarters - Celebrating our 20th
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> 1348 Township Road 256
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> 1-800-533-2327, FAX: 740-533-0337
> Home of Khalarado+/ 1990 IAHA National Endurance Champion - (1982 Chestnut
> Stallion)
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