Re: Uh-Oh! The LD thing again
I totally agree with CM Newell, DVM. (got a shorter name?) The vets are
there to take care of our horses/mules. I would prefer to see them a little
tougher than too easy. Especially on the LDrs. They are for the most part,
inexperienced and have a tendency to get top ten fever. (more so than the
fifties) (Howard) I saw some "easy" vets at the last ride I rode (dont
wanna say which ride) . I also saw quite a few horses on IVs. I passed a
rider whose horse looked terrible. Its head was down to its knees, it had a
sullen look in his eyes and was barely walking. I knew the rider, and she
was fairly new and told her to dismount and loosen her girth and lead him to
the vet stop. She came in about 15 minutes behind me. I was getting ready
to leave when she finished vetting. She told me that her horse got almost
all A's. I about fell off of the bucket I was sitting on. I said, "Dont
trust those scores too much. He is exhausted and still looks like hell to
me." I got a funny look from her as she led her horse away. She moved not
more than ten feet from me when her horse went down. He spent the night on
As I rode out of the vet stop I wondered what the vet had been smoking or
drinking. (a mean thing to say but that horse looked terrible) "Fit to
continue" means just that. If the girls horse actually was grade 3 then
she shouldnt have gotten a completion. There was more than one vet there Im
sure, and she could have gotten a second opinion. If the second vet said 3,
then that should have been final.
The rules arent there to tick us off, they are there to take care of our
equine partners when we get brain fade. gesa n clovis
-----Original Message-----
From: C.M.Newell <reshan@deyr.ultranet.com>
To: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Date: Sunday, October 31, 1999 4:25 PM
Subject: RC: Uh-Oh! The LD thing again
>At 01:21 AM 10/31/99 EDT, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 10/30/99 3:32:49 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
>>Howard4567@aol.com writes:
>><< What has happened here today? Is it just me? Does the guy have any
>> I
>> mean I'm talking about a 25 mile limited distance completion for a ten
>> old girl. Her horse is done anyhow, not going out on the trail
>> again........I just don't get it.
>> >>
>>Howard! I loved your story. BUT.....the vets are there to protect the
>>horses. Not just give a completion to a cute kid.
> I have to agree, here. Lame is lame. Poor metabolics are poor metabolics.
>What kind of message is it sending to give a completion? The horse either
>meets the criteria or it doesn't. To give out an unwarranted completion
>cheapens the award, and I know kids who would be downright mad to be
>thought to be "lesser" competitors than the adults.
> It's tough. But so is life. &*$# happens.
> --CMNewell, DVM
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