Re: RC: Cell Phones - Communication Headaches
WEll! My husband just got a new Startac phone from Bell Atlantic Mobile
(we've been VERY happy with their service, as opposed to say, Cellular
one, which never works unless you are UNDER the tower... :) )
And the good news is the phone is small enough to be a pager (it looks
like a communicator from Star Trek) and it WORKS on the trails that even
my trusty phone won't work on. I was able to call a client back and check
my messages ON horseback in the middle of nowhere, which is a new one on
me! :) Needless to say I will be riding more on weekends now that I know
I can escape but not really. :)
I highly recommend it- it really DOES work. Oh- I think the battery is
good for AT LEAST 16 hours, if not more. (Mine is 16 hours when on) THis
obviously applies to the areas I ride in for now, so I don't know about
Gwen DLuehosh DVM
Remington, VA
On Mon, 18 Oct 99 18:00:14 +0000 shakesbearides@texoma.net writes:
> Dear Ridecampers,
> I have had - and carried on my person, not the horse - a cellphone
> for two (2) > plus years now. I have ridden in terrain - from the very
low to the
> very high - > and experienced "several" types of problems with reaching
out and
> touching > someone. Unless a person resorts to carrying a three (3)
> battery pack > version - which is cumbersome and unweildy - the maximum
power "any" >
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