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Re: RC: Re: Re: Hoof help
Are you punching a finer nail hole on these wide webs? Often times a lighter
training plate or similar shoe is used in cases where the wide web or regular
web is punched to deep.Maybe we just have a different opion on what
constitutes a thin wall.Most thin walled horses I run into a wide web is
punched to deep and it would be imposible to drive nails without quicking
unless you punched a finer nail hole.Something to think about as far as
support.I am sure you have noticed alot of thin or poor walled horses( and I
think there is a difference) foot will actually fall through the shoe or the
sole will be lower than the wall when its pulled off.So as far as the support
aspect a lighter thin shoe lets the foot rest closely if not entirely on the
ground which supports the foot 100% over the area that strikes the
ground.Just some food for thought.RD
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