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Re: How many miles ?

>I figure about five to six miles a day They greet the sun in the 
>morning on
>top of the hill and graze most of the day on the hillsides. Water is 
>way down the hill so I know 

Good grief guys.  I made a joke about counting miles walked between feed
trough and water bucket counting as LSD in one of my stories.  If you
were going to start training for a marathon, and the book said, "start
with 1 mile a day" would you start measuring your hallway to see if you
were already getting it in? 

O.K., so I throw out my hay at the bottom of my bluffside "pasture", and
their water is on top.  I'm sure that helps, but I don't write it in my
conditioning log. By the way, sometimes I just throw a bale of hay over
the fence and it ROLLS all the way to the bottom. :-) 


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