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GSENM Letter
This is the letter that I just sent to the BLM about the GSENM
management plan. I hope that everyone else is doing the same.
They can be reached at comments@ut.blm.gov
Linda Flemmer
Dear Sirs,
I am an endurance rider who wishes to make comment on your management
plan for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Endurance
riding is a horse and rider making the best possible time over 50-100
miles in one day. The goal is to finish as quickly as possible while
keeping his horse in good condition so that they are "fit to continue"
at the end, if they needed to. It is an organized ride with 50-100
people riding over a trail at speeds of 7-12 mph with strict veterinary
controls and exams. There is an endurance ride, the Out Law Trail, that
has used this area for many years. All of your Alternative plans except
Alt. A - No action would prohibit this historic ride.
- The Outlaw Trail Historical Ride (OT) is a Heritage Industry that was
started in 1978.
- A Heritage Industry is a business that simulates the activities of
historic, non motorized, nostalgic happenings that focus on maintaining
agrarian setting and life style of the area. In the case of the OT it
is using horses to travel a considerable distance through an area to a
destination..........not in circles as most rides...........as did John
Wesley Powell, Mormon Pioneers, The Indians, the rangers and of course
Wild Bunch.
- The Heritage Industry concept was supposed to be a focus of the
GSENM. Limiting group size of 12 does in most of the outfitter and
operations. It would also potentially prohibit the OT ride.
The riders tend to have minimal impact on the land as they "ride
through" towards their destination. Riders are often alone or in small
groups of friends, but the greater picture may include as many as 100
individuals staggered out over 10-15 miles of trails. They do not camp
or carry disposable items (aka trash). Finally it is a recreation use
that recreates a
historic use of the land in that area.
Please consider Alternative A - No Action or a way to "grandfather in"
this historic event.
Thank you for your consideration.
Linda Flemmer
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