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Re: one more lesson learned....comments.....

Thanks Sylvia.  I've had my share of  close encounters with the slant load
and learned the John Lyon's method of loading / unloading quick enough to
save my (and Mystery's) skin!  I never go in it, he steps in when asked and
I always untie him from the outside.  Took some scary mishaps before I
discovered the better way though!  Glad to hear yours was a warning to watch
out and nothing worst!   Things like this just happen soooo fast.
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: one more lesson learned....comments.....

>Hi Kim, Not so stupid!  Or maybe so.  I do that all the time (the halter
>around the neck while bridling thing).  Sorry you had such a nasty
>Maybe I will undo that tie rope BEFORE I start bridling.  Hmmmm, let me
>of some really stupid things I'VE done to make you feel better.  Oh, here's
>one:  Getting into a slant load trailer with my horse (after he & I had
>completed all 5 days of the Outlaw Trail) we're on the way home and
>from the trailer I snap his leadrope on him, turning him to unload him from
>the trailer and woops, forgot to untie the trailer tie rope.  We're talking
>major upset here.  He was thrashing and scrambling like a crazy guy (which
>is definitely NOT), he would have landed on top of me, but he saw it coming
>and flung himself sideways to avoid landing on ME.  I came out of the whole
>thing with just a little bump on my head and a lot of humility, he was fine
>(although I'm sure his trust in me was temporarily on hold).  Could have
>a major bad thing, turned out o.k. (whew).  Oh, by the way, let's hear it
>straight load trailers!!!!   Why anybody would willingly get INSIDE a horse
>trailer with their horse is beyond me!  (The slant load referenced belonged
>a friend).  Happy Trails!

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