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Re: one more lesson learned....comments.....
Hi Kim, Not so stupid! Or maybe so. I do that all the time (the halter
around the neck while bridling thing). Sorry you had such a nasty accident!.
Maybe I will undo that tie rope BEFORE I start bridling. Hmmmm, let me think
of some really stupid things I'VE done to make you feel better. Oh, here's
one: Getting into a slant load trailer with my horse (after he & I had
completed all 5 days of the Outlaw Trail) we're on the way home and unloading
from the trailer I snap his leadrope on him, turning him to unload him from
the trailer and woops, forgot to untie the trailer tie rope. We're talking
major upset here. He was thrashing and scrambling like a crazy guy (which he
is definitely NOT), he would have landed on top of me, but he saw it coming
and flung himself sideways to avoid landing on ME. I came out of the whole
thing with just a little bump on my head and a lot of humility, he was fine
(although I'm sure his trust in me was temporarily on hold). Could have been
a major bad thing, turned out o.k. (whew). Oh, by the way, let's hear it for
straight load trailers!!!! Why anybody would willingly get INSIDE a horse
trailer with their horse is beyond me! (The slant load referenced belonged to
a friend). Happy Trails!
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