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Re: I feel sorry for ...
Yep, California is awful. Snakes, over-crowding, air pollution, ticks, lack
of trails, and those are the good things. Then we have flooding, forrest
fires, earthquakes and rampant gang warfare. There's probably going to be one
huge earthquake and the whole state will just drop off into the Pacific ocean.
Well, we poor Californians muddle through somehow, but I don't think any new
people should even consider moving to this disaster area waiting to happen.
Oh I forgot the mountain lions who are waiting to prey on unsuspecting hikers
and riders (feral cats, hah! In Caliornia we scoff at feral cats, just look
out for those mountain lions). And you're right, who could live without four
distinct seasons? Man, I sure miss shoveling that snow in Minnesota. I used
to have great biceps, now I'm all flabby from my California decadent
lifestyle. (Sigh) I should probably start going to the gym.
Well, gotta go now (it's 70 degrees and I'm going riding). I'll probably be
beating those rattlesnakes and mountain lions off with a stick, but I'll
muddle through somehow.
Sylvia -- Aren't you glad we don't all like the same things? :)
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