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Re: I feel sorry for ...
Dear Marcy,
Gee, I dunno . . . I live in Michigan, my sis lives in California. When we
visit her, the weather is always *nice* but it sure is awfully crowded out
there. They have highways and freeways which seem to stretch a mile across,
and they still have traffic gridlock! It seemed like it took us an hour OR
MORE to get ANYWHERE. When I went out to a park one day to go hiking, at the
trailhead was a sign warning me to wear heavy shoes or boots, and long pants
secured at the ankle, due to danger from #1. Ticks which carry lyme disease,
#2. Rattlesnakes (do NOT move off the trail! Stay out of tall grass! ) #3.
Feral housecats which carry rabies #4. Feral dogs, likewise. I've
ridden/hiked all over Michigan, and NEVER seen a sign like that! So I
thought, heck with hiking, I'll go swimming. The Californian "lake" we swam
in was an artificial one, made by damming a river, which I guess is typical
for California. The bottom was not the soft, clean sand I am used to here in
Michigan, but a nasty, clayish muck. The water was murky; as opposed to
Michigan's crystal clear lakes. The water felt "gritty." It was yucky.
Besides, I rather like the variety of experiencing 4 very distinct
seasons, and learning how to enjoy different kinds of *weather,* as opposed to
mere *climate* which is all that what Golden Staters get.<vbg> Different
strokes for different folks, as they say.
Trish & pretty David,
Grand Blanc, Michigan
<< I'm envious of you california folks right now. We are
just getting over snow that was rained on,which caused
crested ice, then melts, then solid ice. The horses can't
move far from the barn. The past three days has been
warm and foggy.We are finally seeing dirt.We can't even
ride in the woods as the trees keep the sun from melting
Marcy >>
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