RC: Re: Hoof help
Julie & Cindy, Another formula for hoof care,,,,, three parts of Venice
Turpentine and one part Freezes by Hoof Freeze sold by Hawthorne Products
Dunkirk Indiana. Jerry
Hickory Ridge Arabians web page:
On Sat, 2 Oct 1999, Rayna777@aol.com wrote...
>I think I would have gone with a light rim shoe rather than the eventers.
>They weigh less, and would put less stress on the hoof wall, IMO. But, it's
>too late to do anything about that now.
>I would cut the pad out, leaving the rim. Keep using your hoof sealer stuff,
>and put Rainmaker or something like it around the coronary band. Try NOT to
>reclinch the nails, it can pull them through the botton, unless you are good
>at hammer clinching, which is much less stressful to the hoof wall. Get him
>on a good biotin supplement, like Biotin Gold, Bio-Plus, or Farriers Freind.
>I jave had WONDERFUL results toughening feet with this:
>1 part Tincture of Iodine, AKA. Stronger, or 7% Iodine (local, or mail order)
>1 part Venice Turpentine ( local, or mail order)
>1 part Formaldehyde ( order it from a pharmacy, I get mine from Fred Meyer )
>Mix this together in a heavy plastic, or glass jug. Spray it on, or brush it
>on, using protective, acid proof gloves. The vets and shoers around my area
>used to sell the mixture, but due to the fact that formaldehyde is nasty
>stuff, they don't do that anymore.
>This stuff is a miracle! It rains here all the time, and it's VERY rocky.
>Makes for sore footed horses in a hurry. I spray them everyday for a week
>after shoeing, then once or twice a week after, depending on how wet the
>I never use pads. Haven't had any problem with bruises, abcesses, white
>line, or thrush.
>And: Thanx to everyone who sent Horses for sale emails. I found one,
>practically in my own backyard! ( And his feet are getting the full
>Julie, Rayna, Jynxie the Wonder Pony, and Duncan, the fat newbie. ( Not for
>long! ; )
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