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> From: Lynne Glazer <>
> Does that mean you are in fact collecting the $10 non-member fee for 
> this distance?

No.  AERC does not require the $10 non-member fee for any distance below
25 miles.  I also was not charges a sanction fee, and will not owe the per
rider fee.  

My only cost for managing the 15 milers are the normal ride costs,
insurance, porta-potties, completion awards and in my case, a charge for
trails use, but it allows me to offer a significant lower entry fee for
this distance.

Becky Huffman
Huffman's Arabians, ~ The Original Series ~

	But if 0-49 goes through, will these fees not then be required?  All
distances will be lumped together into one category--LD.  Then
non-requirement of these fees for rides of less than 25 miles was a
temporary measure for 1999 to see us through the interim--is that not true?


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